Relief for Arthritis in hands.... trigger finger.

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but me thinks that you were not making the rum balls correctly if you still hurt anywhere

Oh I was definitely making them correctly.  8) Very frequent quality checks throughout the process. Only the best for my friends. The pain did not come until later that evening, when I woke up from my nap. ;)
I have no proof but I have heard yellow raisin soaked in gin provides relief.
I don't have any golden raisins nor do I have any gin. But I do have brown raisins and rum. Hmmm, Maybe I should experiment? It may not work, but I probably won't care.  ;D
I see many references to B and B complexes.

The wife ran into something  strange recently.
She only take a multivitamin.
No extra B.

She received a call form her Dr. after a routine blood test.
She also saw the blood test on his office web portal.

Her B was too high!
He took her off the multivitamin to lower her B.

I had never heard of it.
In fact I had always read that you could not get too much.
A web search proved me wrong.
Here is what Kaiser Permanente says in its Healthwise Encyclopedia:

Trigger finger and trigger thumb are conditions in which you find it hard to bend or straighten your finger or thumb. It can feel as if the finger or thumb is stuck or catches, snaps, or clicks when you try to move it.
You may also feel tenderness or a bump in the palm of the hand around the affected finger or thumb. The bump may seem to move as you bend or straighten the finger or thumb.
Trigger finger or trigger thumb can develop when the flexor tendon and its sheath thickens or swells. The flexor tendon helps a finger or thumb to bend; its sheath is the tunnel-like opening that the tendon normally glides through.
The exact cause of trigger finger and trigger thumb is not known. The conditions are more common in people who have diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, or a history of repeated injury to the area.
A doctor can usually diagnose the problem from a description of the symptoms and by examining the finger or thumb. X-rays or other tests are not usually needed.
Initial treatment for trigger finger or trigger thumb includes resting the affected hand, taking anti-inflammatory medicine, wearing a splint, and possibly taking a shot of cortisone. Surgery may be recommended if other treatments fail.
halfwright said:
I know I am going to catch flak over this but here goes:

So, I go bury a dead cat under a full moon in the back yard and my arthritis eases because that is the nature of the beast.


I may catch some flak too but........ Do you bury your  dead cat or the neighbor's dead cat under the full moon.  ;D
Carl L: Thanks for bringing post back to center. Good info.

Oldme: Understanding that one can get too much of anything (even raiisn and vin). Thanks for input. I will watch and make Doctor aware of use of "suppliments".
Hello All:
It?s been awhile since we talked (Approximately two months).
Again?., I would like to thank those that were willing to give inputs as well as those who followed along with interest.
And Carl L: The information you provided was right on. Thank you again.

What I did??
I considered seriously two suggestions.
One by SargeW  (Taking Glucosamine tablets).
The other by Seilerbird  (Taking Vitamin B supplements).

I started with the Vitamin B supplement only?? two weeks of alternating between  two products purchased ( B-50 and B complex) and nothing changed.
Stopped Vitamin B.

Then, went on Glucosamine tablets (1000MG), one in Morning and one in evening. Experienced Slight change in occurrences of Trigger finger after a week.

Started Two 1000MG in morning and one 1000MG in evening the second week. Things got better.
In 6 weeks I have settled (got comfortable) with taking two 1000MG tablets of Glucosamine every morning.
I still have Trigger Finger symptoms but the curling of fingers is notably diminished. Generally I wake up with one or two index fingers curled. And once I straighten fingers by grabbing tip of curled finger (first joint) and gently straitening, the fingers stay open and are functional. This procedure has eliminated the pain normally associated with the straightening process.
Fingers may curl during the day (idleness with hands) but the procedure above makes painless straightening possible.
Thank you all? and must give the Forum a big Thank you.
Thank you for posting something that is working for you. May give some of us something to try. I have had this in my left hand ring finger and has now started in my right hand thumb. Bio freeze and aspirin make it so I can still play my drums and golf but not without pain.
The wife had both hands operated on 6 years ago
because her fingers would lockup, not just pain.
That was the 3rd operation all totaled for the same thing.
She now has the same problem on another finger.
Years for office work has taken it's toil.

When it get to that point the sheath that the tendon
slides in is damaged. The only fix is surgery.

There is no medication or over the counter that
will cure "trigger finger".

The only things that helps the arthritis in my hands are:
a combination of Krill oil (fish oil), glucosamine and
Aleve gel caps (Naproxen sodium) or Rx Naproxen sodium
as needed.

We also only use Naproxen sodium, because ibuprofen has been
linked to kidney damage. The wife has non-alcohol related
cirrhosis of the liver and has had kidney failure twice while in
the hospital. We will not risk further kidney damage from
Agree with the physical therapy.  Hands and one knee started giving me problems.  Went back to lifting weights near or including specific muscle groups and pain decreased almost immediately.  I know... it doesn't make sense, but what works, works!

Several years ago (15-20??) they did a test on a family of German Shepard dogs that were known to be  carrier of the hip dysplasia gene. Half of the litter was exercised on a treadmill daily. The other half of the litter received no exercise.  The dogs that did not exercise developed severe arthritis in their hip joints. The dogs that were exercised daily had very little arthritis at 10 years of age. 
OK, I'm going to jump in late here.  Gluten (a wheat protein) causes inflammation (and joint pain, and stiffness).  I was having joint pain, stiffness and suffered from Plantar's Faciitis (sp?) -- the heel pain upon waking or other non-activity.

I tried a gluten free diet for 45 days and never looked back.  No more heel pain, joint stiffness, nothing.  I used to walk like an old woman every morning.  No more.  A gluten free diet is a royal pain.  And if you don't go totally gluten free, don't bother doing it at all.  I don't miss bread all that much, but pasta!  And cake!  There are more and more gluten free products on the market now that are passable, but I do miss some stuff.  Then I remember how stiff and sore I was, and feel (a little) better about it.

My two cents.
Saw the thread and had to browse. I had a left and a Right Carpal Tunnel Operation Sep 2020. Problem was my thumbs and no grip. Fast forward and the problem is still the thumb pain in the joints and less grip. Wish now I would have not opted for surgery as the pain just changed locations.

I am Going to PT right now, and tomorrow I am going to get Dry Needle treatment on my hands. I am a little apprehensive as I know there will be some pain associated with it. Right now I am just doing the thumb exercises and staying positive.

Surgery x 2 on hands... Wenesday AM QBing it. I wish I had not done it.

Alcohol inflames the joints on my hands. I have cut down my drinking 98%. Helps alot especially in the morning when I wake up. Back when I was drinking hard, my hands would be swollen when I got out of bed.
I know this came up because a spam post which will quickly disappear, but I have arthritis in my hands too, primarily thumb and forefinger on both hands. Yes, an ergonomic mouse helped while I was working, but I made small rice bags just the right size to cover the top of my hand then attached elastic that would over my palm to hold them on. Amazingly comforting when they are acting up. I also fully understand the “The weather must be changing because my joints ache,” saying my grandmother used to say; it is totally true.
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I was suffering from "trigger finger" in last joint in my right thumb 4 months ago. My hand surgeon recommended that I should wrapped the joint with tape when I was sleeping. He said the nodular lump on the tendon which causes trigger finger will shrink down over time since it was contained by the sheath that the tendon passes through when the joint it restricted from moving by the tape.
The "clicking & pain" was gone after 3 weeks...

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