Remodel finished (for now) for less than $3k

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May 6, 2008
We just got finished with some updating on our '01 Safari motorhome.  We used resources on this website as well as others that helped make it happen.  We wanted to list what we've done in case there is anyone out there interested in pictures or info on how we did it.

1.  Ripped out all carpet and installed wood laminate.
2.  Replace toilet and installed vinyl tiles in bathroom and front entry/cockpit.
3.  Took out window boxes and made and installed fabric valences.
4.  Replace screen in front door with "pet" screen and installed plex piece on part of it to prevent rips from the excited dogs.
5.  Refinished front wood console to update the cockpit look
6.  Refinished wood edge of dining table and attached laminated antique railroad map of the US (very cool)
7.  Took down all mirrors and put up pictures in living area and magnetic knife bar in kitchen
8.  Painted entire house
9.  Took out big tvs and installed flat screens
10.  Took out lounge chair and put in toddler bed with ceiling mounted curtain.
11.  Replaced light sconce things (the glass part only)
12.  Reupholtered slide edges and dinette seats (additionally covered dinette seats in thin plastic to help with toddler stains)
13.  Installed wall chalkboard/felt board for toddler play
14.  Replaced cabinet hardware/handles

If you're interested in any pics or info you can email us at [email protected].  And some of the stuff is on our website  We hope we can help someone as we have been helped.

Put your pictures on your site so we can all enjoy them along with you witty writing.  You are a joy to read.  ;D 
Your remodel looks very nice.  How was painting over the wall paper, easy?  Your toddler sleeping area is very creative...good job.  Will you redesign the area when he getting bigger and will be out of the crib?

You've done a great job. Everything looks professionally done.

I noticed you have the US map on your table. When our kids were 5 through 9, we had one on the table of our truck camper. Every time we had dinner, we would trace the route we had traveled during the day. We did make a couple of trips across the US and up and down the east coast. This habit of discussing our travels over the map gave both our daughter and son a good introduction to map reading which has proven to be very helpful over the years.


I see you have one of my favorite maps on the table.  There used to be a book published every few years that had all the railroads that took passengers for scenic rides etc. and museum depots and stuff.  I have lost track of it but if you can find a recent copy, it makes for many nice side trips.

I've got to go searching for it again as we will be traveling and sight seeing this summer.  :)
You guys impressed me!!! Congratulations......................Amazing what talent and hard work can accomplish.

Nice MH, nice job and good  work. I am curious about your flooring, what thickness laminated did you use and why laminated over solid wook floor? Also, does the slide roll over the flooring ok without marring?

The paint was actually quite easy.  Trimming everything out was a pain.  I used a high quality primer (from Lowes) made specifically for wallboard/wallpaper (it even primes ceramic tile) and painted everything very well with the primer and let cure for  day.  Then painted my main color in a satin sheen.  There are some wallboard seams that show through but they aren't really noticable - I guess you could caulk/sand those if they are really bothersome.

As far as the bed, it is a toddler size bed and he is just 2.5 now so it will last him another few years.  After that I may put a table in that space and turn the dinette booth into his room or I might get one of those chairs that folds out into a bed (kind of like a mini couch bed) and put it in that space so the bed will fold out away from the window, into the living area.  I've also thought about maybe doing something different with our couch.  It is a fold out bed, the sitting space is very narrow and the bed is horrible...but the Flexsteel J-Lounger that I want is a little pricey for us right now.


We used laminate because it was more scratch and water resistant than regular wood and we have two German Shepherds and a two year old!  We thought about bamboo or cork also but found they also scratched pretty easily with the dog claws.  We used Pergo flooring, 3/8" thick with the foam attached.  Our slide is made with the rollers attached to the rig floor so we were lucky on that.  We've heard that some slides may cause scatches on the wood.  My husband has pics of the entire process and he can better tell you how it was done.  If you want pics just email us at [email protected].  We did it in two stages but probably a total of 8-9 days to rip out carpet, prepare surface (by pulling out 10,000 staples), put down wood and then trim (which is a pain with all the nooks and crannies).

We were very lucky that my parents let us park in their driveway because not so sure we could have found a campground that would have allowed us to fling our nasty old carpet out the door :)

Absolutely gorgeous!  You guys did a fantastic job.  It's so 'homey' and warm.  It looks so comfy!  I hope you enjoy it for many years to come!

Now that the hard work is done. . . where to for the hard fun???
Fantastic job.  I hope ours looks that good once we're done.  Of course, I'm just now doing the research to figure out what I need to do.....and of course we need to pick the unit up yet!  ;D
Several people have asked us for pictures of the floor remodel and I have been neglectful to post them.  We have been staying in  Black Hills SD (Mt. Rushmore area) while my husband is flying helicopter tours and our internet reception has been very poor (excuses, excuses).  So for those that might be interested, here are some pics of the Carpet to Pergo floor remodel
Awesome link for the floor remodel.  We've picked up our RV and spent the last full week just cleaning on it - removing decals, painting a little, replacing screen, changing drapes, and cleaning, cleaning, cleaning.  :D  I love your blog and haven't had a chance to totally look the whole blog over.  How do you manage to stay on the road so much? Must be fantastic living like that.  I don't know that I've got that kind of patience.....wish I did though.  By the way, do you have any photos of the exterior of the RV? I'm curious what it loooks like. 

We removed some huge exterior decals on the sides of our RV and there's discoloration of the white fiberglass sides.  Of course, that was to be suspected.  Any advice on what to use on it to brighten the white?  Buff with compound polish? ???

Very nicely done. I read this the other week and it's inspired us to do something similar. We have light blue carpet throughout the RV and the older style oak cabinets. We are thinking of installing Pergo flooring throughout minus the back bedroom, painting the walls a light tan, paint the cabinets antique white and install a new counter surface. Basically giving our older RV a more modern look. The walls current; have some scuff marks on them that won't come off and the laminate floor will be easier to clean.
Northgang (Kelly and Brian) ~ I know you haven't posted in a long time and your blog ended in August 2011 after you purchased a home without wheels.  I am looking for remodeling ideas for our "new to us" 1995 36' National Dolphin and found this forum and your blog.  I'd love to see the pictures of your remodel but they are no longer available on Flickr.  If these pics are still available somewhere on the web, or if you could send them to me via email, I'd love to see them.

I hope all of you are doing well and enjoying life "off the road" as much as you enjoyed it "on the road"!!

Gina in Dallas
I am in the middle of my own remodel and the 3K mark was just what I was hoping for when it was all done (until I realized I was going to replace the AC unit). Seems like you got alot accomplished for that amount. I have a '84 26 footer that I got cheap, but figured I was going to pretty much gut ANY RV I got, even a newer one (please will manufacturers hire a TRUE designer for RV interiors!!!!), so why pay 10-15K more for ugly? Right now I have taken out literally everything but the furnace, fridge and one cabinet. Spent three hours last nite scraping off 19 years of layers of roof cement/sealant just to replace two vents, but put them back in with Eternacaulk and Eternabond Tape (which I hear is great stuff). So far I'm having fun and love getting tips and ideas from those on this forum. I am taking pics and keeping tabs of expenses-April 30th is my date for completion and hope to post it all then.
Thanks for your post and I will be going over to look at your pics!

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