Removing bug stains?

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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2009
Mount Carmel, IL
I've searched through the forums and I can't find any hints, tips or tricks for ridding the front of my TT of bug stains.  I always try to clean within a day or two of returning from a trip, but I still can't get the bug stains off.  It has a fiberglass gelcoat front end.  I soak with a soap and water mix, I've used glass cleaner and scrub with a nylon scrubber.  I've tried all the bug removers and even WD40.  I'm left with very noticeable stains no matter what.

I've had everything from pop-ups to a Class A and I've never had this bad a problem with cleaning.  I thought about trying a little bleach, but there is a large decal on the front that would be ruined if I did that.

I'm open to suggestions.  What is the "solution" to getting rid of bug stains?
For really tough stains, I use the "Protect-All" wash after that if there are still stains left, I use "Dri-Wash and Guard" which leaves a good hgh gloss finsh and makes it easer to clean the next time.  I use the wash every day till it gets tough again and then back to the Dri-Wash & Guard.  I sometimes use the Protect-All  wax product, I guess actually, I use it about 1/2 time.  After more than 15 years of using both, I still can't make up my mind as to which is best.    :)
I use "BugBuster", sold at Camping World. Really works good for me. I thing its made by Thetford.

Spray it on, wait about a minute then I wash with soap and water.

Once you get them off put a coat of wax on fro9nt end before a trip especially during love bug season and the bugs wipe right off.
I use this, here's some reviews that you can read;

And like others said, after getting them off get a good coat of wax on there. After washing the front end on returning from a trip I also throw a coat of Protect-All on the front. Doing this everytime, the bugs hose right off!
After Ive cleaned the front of my M/H I do the windshields with "rainX" then include the entire front end with rainX. Makes it a snap to clean later.>>>Dan
I like 303 aerospace protectant.  It cleans and polishes, safe for the decals.
RIght on AKampr!

303 Aerospace protector is great for ABS, and poly kayaks too!  Keeps the UV rays out!

Simple Green full strength with a terry cloth rag works to remove the bugs first.

But don't mix 303 with ArmorAll protectant.

Ron and Joyce retired

Dyer sheets. Give them a soak in some water and wash the bugs off. Works great.
Baking soda and water.  Mix a solution fairly thick.  I've used this on my cars for years.

I also found recently that Magic Eraser will clean just about anything.  My wife has used it to remove permanent marker, ink, etc in the house for a long time.  We just found out it also takes off the black marks where water drains down the sides on our camper.  And it took the bugs off too!!   
Just don't use a 3M pad on your windshield!  Don't ask me how I know.  Ok.. you can ask if you have to.  Hee Hee!


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