Robbers Hold Up County Sheriff!

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Ray D

Well-known member
Jun 4, 2006
Boise, Idaho
Yeah, I know, it has nothing to do with RVing. But, once in a while, under the shade tree, we tell fun stories and I get a real kick out of this one!  :eek:  ;D ;D  ::) 

So, read it and weep, while you laugh. I found it helped to hold my sides in, while I read it.  ;D  This is Justice as it should be, not as it usually is. Oh, BTW, Sheriff Raney packs a gun.
Ray D  ;) 
I love it!  Nothing like the old "meet me in a dark alley in Garden City" line to make a LEO suspicious.  ;)  Too bad they couldn't have gotten them on more but hopefully they'll do some serious time.

From the records of the Detroit Poilce:

Man goes into a pawn shop.. Top dollar for your goods, no questions asked (Except name and address of course)

He has sold them the stolen television, gotten his money and then suddenly he gets a suspicious look and says: "You guys cops?"

The two staffers in the store acknowledge that they are indeed police officers, both pull out their ID wallets and show him their badges.

"Ah come on you guys can't be cops, The Man would never admit it.. Tell the truth somebody pawned those badges with you didn't thaey"

Officers: "No we got them when we graduated the academy"

Well this went on a while, the officers point out the mirror with the camera behind it and tell the suspect the microphone is hidden in the counter.

The suspect (Thumping right on top of the mic) says "You mean there is a camera hidden behind that mirror and a microphone right here"

They say yes

Well, to make a shortened story even shorter.. The crook did not believe them... I think he believes them now!

Friend of mine in State Police has a story like that too.. Only he bought drugs off this soon to retire dealer (about 10 seconds later he retired)
Another kick, I realized that this is an effecient robbery technique. You can cut out the middleman, by robbing the Sheriff, himself. Robbing a regular guy means he has to call Law Enforcement. Saves time, energy. Go direct, when you can.  ;D 

Sorry, I'm probably overly tickled at this. Had a similar thing, only an infraction - not a robbery - but it too, was a little bit funny. It was late, and I wanted to clear a part of the park and go home. At that point, a guy panhandled me, (while I was sitting, in uniform, in a marked vehicle.) I thought he was joking. Figured out he wasn't, and wouldn't cooperate with closing time, so called for help. (I just wanted him to break off, and let me go home.)

The officer came and after attempting to get the guy to leave, got the same results I did. "Ray," he said, "I think he's actually panhandling me! He's serious!"  :eek: 

I agreed. The officer said, "Ray, I'm gonna bust him!" I asked if he wanted to sign the papers or if he wanted me to. We both got home late that night.  :mad:  ;D ;D 

No doubt! Going direct is effecient!  ::)

Ray D  ;D 
There was a story some years ago in a Law Enforcment magazine.

Some PUNK teens went to the neighboring state to "Get Paid" (Rob someone)

They accousted an elderly couple (Like 88-92 range) and......

Well.. Following the arrest the Deputies had to change into clean uniforms.

You see,  the neighboring state I mentioned above was an OPEN CARRY state.

And at the site of the group of punks on their knees begging the pistol packing Grandma and Grandpa not to shoot them the Deputies fell down laughing and got their uniforms all dirty ROGL (Rolling on GROUND laughing)

No injuries were reported.
John From Detroit said:
There was a story some years ago in a Law Enforcment magazine.

Some PUNK teens went to the neighboring state to "Get Paid" (Rob someone)

They accousted an elderly couple (Like 88-92 range) and......

Well.. Following the arrest the Deputies had to change into clean uniforms.

You see,  the neighboring state I mentioned above was an OPEN CARRY state.

And at the site of the group of punks on their knees begging the pistol packing Grandma and Grandpa not to shoot them the Deputies fell down laughing and got their uniforms all dirty ROGL (Rolling on GROUND laughing)

No injuries were reported.

I'm betting the perps had to change their clothes too!  ;D
Orick said:
I'm betting the perps had to change their clothes too!  ;D

if you stayed with that couple you could sleep soundly as the internal security is packing heat
;D ;D
Orick said:
I'm betting the perps had to change their clothes too!  ;D
I'm wondering if the seniors exaggerated/created a hand tremor for effect.  Hehehehe

I read about an attempted armed carjacking in, I think, Washington DC.  The driver was an FBI agent.  He fired three shots through the door and killed the carjacker.  Oh well.
Tony_Alberta said:
I read about an attempted armed carjacking in, I think, Washington DC.  The driver was an FBI agent.  He fired three shots through the door and killed the carjacker.  Oh well.

I love a story with a happy ending.  ;)
SO:  Florida is a "right to carry state".  Even if I didn't know that, the low crime stats would be a clue.  Bad guys just never know if the next "victim" might shoot back. 

Humm that is everywhere in Florida but at the airport!!  There they know people getting off an airplane won't even have a friggin nail-file!!  Guess where the bad guys go?

Lesson in there someplace - johncmr
Johncmr said:
Humm that is everywhere in Florida but at the airport!!  There they know people getting off an airplane won't even have a friggin nail-file!!  Guess where the bad guys go?
Hmm, there could be business in there.  Rent secure lockers for handguns at the airport.  Manned while airport is open.  Take a photo of person when they store their firearm.  When they come back the photo has to match.
Here's another one --

Augusta, GA

  Orville Smith, a store manager for Best Buy in Augusta, Georgia , told police he observed a male customer, later identified as Tyrone Jackson of Augusta, on surveillance cameras putting a laptop computer under his jacket... When confronted the man became irate, knocked down an employee, drew a knife and ran for the door.

  Outside on the sidewalk were four Marines collecting toys for the "Toys for Tots" program. Smith said the Marines stopped the man, but he stabbed one of the Marines, Cpl. Phillip Duggan, in the back; the injury did not appear to be severe.

After Police and an ambulance arrived at the scene Cpl. Duggan was transported for treatment.

  The police report stated that the subject was also transported to the local hospital with two broken arms, a broken ankle, a broken leg, several missing teeth, possible broken ribs, multiple contusions, assorted lacerations, a broken nose and a broken jaw...injuries he sustained when he slipped and fell off of the curb after stabbing the Marine.

Now that was a well written Police report. 
In the Federal building in Detroit, In the lobby is a snack bar,, It is set up by the Michigan Consul for the Blind and the franchise is owned by a blind man.. Some years ago some idiot robbed the place.. Figured the blind man could not describe him I guess.

Well the blind man has an assistant.. he has perfect vision and... IS a retired Marine, Once a Marine, always a Marine.. But no longer active.. Also several of the people in the lobby had perfect eyesight.. INCLUDING  a few federal judges (Remember this robbery is being pulled on FEDERAL property/jurisdiction)

Suffice to say the suspect was quickly taken into custody. Arraigned, Tried, Found Guilty, and all before EMS arrived to take him to the body shop to get his injuries fixed.

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