Rock n' Rollers on The UK Voice

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Jan 13, 2005
Two great Rock n' Rollers on the UK version of The Voice. Contestant Stan's story and performance were great. Forward to 6:18 to see him play while judge Sir Tom sings a great oldie.
This is one of my favorites - I love the crowd and judge reaction when he sound checks the guitar.

This is another favorite - this guy actually got a live gig with the band later - live but TBH he sucked.

The other end of the spectrum is just as crazy - Of all the "kid prodigy's" this kid still blows me away. Saw AC/DC at six and says, "Yeah, dad. I wanna do that"

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Stan is from Jackie's part of the UK and my namesake is from my part of the UK.
I only remember, there's this dude from Wales and when he sings "It's Not Unusual" grown women lose control and throw their knickers at him.
I only remember, there's this dude from Wales and when he sings "It's Not Unusual" grown women lose control and throw their knickers at him.
At one time he consciously tried to shake that image and switched to singing country.

I recall when he got his big start. He'd been singing in UK pubs and clubs, and appeared as a contestant on a TV talent competition show. The only way for the audience to vote in those days was to mail a postcard. He wore tight white pants, wiggled his hips, and all the girls screamed. He came back next week with a new slate of contestants, and the rest is history.
I recall when he got his big start. He'd been singing in UK pubs and clubs, and appeared as a contestant on a TV competition show.
When I think of him I think about the mid-60's and the gogo boot girls like Nancy Sinatra and the "pop(ular)" folks like Sonny and Cher who chose to remain in that genre and got totally blindsided by the Rock and Roll "woodstock" generation.

Cher and Sonny took a stab at being hippies but (IMO) became irrelevant. Cher's best move was dumping Sonny and reinventing herself like Tina Turner did, reemerging in the 70's...
It might be an American thing, but telling women to stop taking off their underwear and throwing them at me wouldn’t be high on the list of what should I do.
I was in a local band in college. A really crappy little band, but we probably broke even most months. I had a girl take her panties off one time and throw them at me and, well...they stuck to me. And not that good kind of sticky either. The band didn't last too long after that so I don't know where that may have taken me. :sneaky:
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