RV Anxiety is ...

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Sep 23, 2013
Discovering orphan screws rolling on the camper floor after every other stop.

Feel free to keep this thread going with your own contribution.
Been there, done that. Dashboard finally pulled loose and we figured out where the screws came from!

Damp spots.... where's the leak this time?

Or how about, "we haven't had anything break down in months now. Wonder what surprise is in store for us next?"
RV Anxiety pales in comparison to the anxiety generated by finding a handful of screws left over after your husband has put the kids' swing set together!  ;D
Wondering if you unplugged the coffee pot and turned off the kitchen stove...after you are 50 miles from home.

And then there's that "What's that noise?"
Having four blowouts on a trip out west trip. One at a time , fortunately.  Got so good at at changing them, wife said that I should contact NASCAR.  She timed me at under 10 minutes on the last on.  And yes, I had them all checked before we left.....  The only one that make the whole trip was the spare.
Stopped in Kansas City and was planning to get some BBQ.  Parked and noticed the trailer wheels on one side didn't seem right.  Crawled under and found one of the springs busted.... Spent the next morning at a trailer shop having the spring replaced. The wife and I were so discouraged that we just headed for Ohio and home.
Going the same way this winter for warmer weather, with a different rig, newer tires so.. knock on wood.. 
Oh, I had a tire blow out on me leaving Houston. A hot fix and not fun. Two people backed up into my truck, too while I was working on it. Minimal to no damage, thank goodness. The belts cut up the plastic wheel well liner too. Patched for now, but it's on my repair list.
Husband in the driver's seat, transmission in gear and the wife on look out shouts, "Should we unplug this before you pull out?"
Leaving on a perfectly nice day.....getting 50 miles into your trip and seeing a MASSIVE storm system heading your way.  The wind has picked up substantially in the last 15 minutes....you can see blowing dust in the distance.....do I pull over and wait it out?  It could turn the other way....or stay stalled where it is.....or I could be battling gale force crosswinds in another 10 miles.....what to do?????
Frizlefrak said:
Leaving on a perfectly nice day.....getting 50 miles into your trip and seeing a MASSIVE storm system heading your way.  The wind has picked up substantially in the last 15 minutes....you can see blowing dust in the distance.....do I pull over and wait it out?  It could turn the other way....or stay stalled where it is.....or I could be battling gale force crosswinds in another 10 miles.....what to do?????

Pedal to the metal!! Onward HO !!
You're new to RVing; this is your second trip with your brand new TT; it's raining and you can't sleep because the water dripping into the bucket on the other side of your bed is keeping you awake.
MN Blue Skies said:
You're new to RVing; this is your second trip with your brand new TT; it's raining and you can't sleep because the water dripping into the bucket on the other side of your bed is keeping you awake.
Well, close the roof vent. :)
MN Blue Skies said:
You're new to RVing; this is your second trip with your brand new TT; it's raining and you can't sleep because the water dripping into the bucket on the other side of your bed is keeping you awake.

Yeah....that would do it. 
Oscar Mike said:
Husband in the driver's seat, transmission in gear and the wife on look out shouts, "Should we unplug this before you pull out?"

Or as you are pulling out of the site , you glance in the mirror just as that cord becomes taut and you can't find the brake fast enough. Never done it...nope.. you can't make me admit it...well...maybe
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