Rv on ferry

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New member
Apr 17, 2006
Does anybody know if you can take an RV on the Cross Sound Ferry from Long Island to Connecticut?  We were just concerned about whether or not they allow the propane tanks on the ferry.  Thanks
All the ferries I have been on required the propane be shut off at the tank. None refused to carry RVs. These include: Prince edward Island, Nova Scotia, British Columbia, Yukon, Alaska.
The US Coast Guard requires that all propane tanks carried on board ferries in RVs? be shut off at the tank valves.? ?The requirement would be universal in US waters.

Interesting site Jim.
I noticed that you can save a bit of cash by travelling off peak - Monday to Thursday - $2.50/ft. +fuel surcharge. For a 40 footer you can save around $20 a trip compared to Fridays thru Sundays - $3.00/ft. +fuel surcharge. Every little bit helps ;)
Ian said:
Interesting site Jim.
I noticed that you can save a bit of cash by travelling off peak - Monday to Thursday - $2.50/ft. +fuel surcharge. For a 40 footer you can save around $20 a trip compared to Fridays thru Sundays - $3.00/ft. +fuel surcharge. Every little bit helps ;)

It sure does! It does beat driving through NYC, though. :)

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