seilerbird needs a recliner

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Active member
Jul 5, 2012
New York
SeilerBird said:
I have a full sized electric guitar, a full sized acoustic guitar, a full sized bass guitar, a 76 key synthesizer, two guitar amps, and a set of electronic drums in my RV. Plus a 46 inch TV and a 5.1 surround sound system. It is easy to put it all in my RV. I merely removed the dinette set and all the living room furniture and turned the living room and dining room into a music room. Gotta set your priorities.

Sounds great!  But did you save room for a recliner? ;D
00Buck said:
Sounds great!  But did you save room for a recliner? ;D
Well I do have a chair that is sorta like a recliner in the living room that I watch my TV from. I hope some day to get a real recliner but so far I have not found just the right recliner. The biggest problem with finding a recliner is finding one I can fit into the motorhome. My door is 23 inches wide and most recliner won't fit in.

Here is a thread of mine that shows off the interior. The round blue chair is no longer there, it fell apart, so I have a different chair that is only temporary. There are photos in the first three posts.

The first post shows off the way the RV looks when traveling and everything is put away. The next two posts show my "parked in an RV park" mode. There is a hatch that covers the stairwell so I have the maximum amount of room for watching TV.
SeilerBird said:
I hope some day to get a real recliner but so far I have not found just the right recliner. The biggest problem with finding a recliner is finding one I can fit into the motorhome. My door is 23 inches wide and most recliner won't fit in.

Have attached a store pic of my recliner, Tom. As you know, I placed it beside the front door of my rig where your current chair is located in your rig. To get it inside the door that is probably the same width as yours, we (needed help) turned it on it's side rather than going straight in, then curved it in as such. Thought I might have had to remove the base (6 heavy bolt type screws), but that when in as well. I put the foot stool in storage as it took up too much room.

My only problem now is that so far, I can only sit for 25 or so minutes without falling asleep. But then that's what a good recliner should do . . .  :)


  • MyRecliner.jpeg
    13.1 KB · Views: 32
Bob - The whole problem with a recliner like that is the arms. I want a recliner without arms. It is too difficult to sit in a recliner with arms and play guitar or bass. It is the only seat in the living music room so it has to be without arms.
here's what you want.

SeilerBird said:
Bob - The whole problem with a recliner like that is the arms. I want a recliner without arms. It is too difficult to sit in a recliner with arms and play guitar or bass. It is the only seat in the living music room so it has to be without arms.

Ah -- and that makes sense, Tom. I just looked thinking the arms might be easy to remove - but I see the whole reclining apparatus is tied into the arms.

My recliner is made more for us trumpet players . . .  :)
I have a recliner like Bob's.  When I want to play while sitting in it, I use a 2" cushion.  Provides just the right elevation to keep the chair's arms out of the way. 

PS  I like the set up of your RV!
Some recliners have backs that can be unbolted and removed.  That makes them much easier to get through a narrow door.  All you've got to do is start checking used furniture stores until you find one you like with a removable back and you'll have it made. :)
You might think about a Captains chair with tilt/swivel base (about $25 as I recall). Then you can just swivel the arms out of the way when you want to play.
Ernie n Tara said:
You might think about a Captains chair with tilt/swivel base (about $25 as I recall). Then you can just swivel the arms out of the way when you want to play.
Thanks Ernie - I did a search on Amazon for Captain's chair and none had swivel arms and none were even close to $25. Do you have a link?
No, the $25 is for the base (bolts to a standard MH Captains chair). The arms on all of these swivel up out of the way. We have two of them and Tara always swivels one arm to the vertical position (or backwards) when knitting. Note; we bought our bases at one of the outlet stores in Elkhart.

With all that stuff; who drives you back for the other four coaches when you relocate? !  When (not if) I lose my house; I will give you my lazyboy recliner.  Love your photography!

Dan Nelson
newfurrows said:

With all that stuff; who drives you back for the other four coaches when you relocate? !  When (not if) I lose my house; I will give you my lazyboy recliner.  Love your photography!
Thanks Dan. I have everything fit in here quite nicely. Since I am single there is a lot more room.
Okay that is one of the most awesome conversions I have seen. I really LOVE seeing an RV taken completely out of it's cookie cutter element and made into something entirely unique.  When I see the pix of yours it looks a lot like a friends sound studio when he was living in it in Studio City. Totally fun hangout!
Stella said:
Okay that is one of the most awesome conversions I have seen. I really LOVE seeing an RV taken completely out of it's cookie cutter element and made into something entirely unique.  When I see the pix of yours it looks a lot like a friends sound studio when he was living in it in Studio City. Totally fun hangout!
Thank you Stella. Maybe some day Miss Poppy will get to meet Cleopatra. ;D
SeilerBird said:
Thank you Stella. Maybe some day Miss Poppy will get to meet Cleopatra. ;D

Well maybe Quartzite 2014? (2013 is now looking iffy for us due to my job)
Stella said:
Well maybe Quartzite 2014? (2013 is now looking iffy for us due to my job)
I can't make QZ in 2014. I am planning on spending the entire month of January at Disney World. I will be at Disneyland in Sept 2013 for two weeks.

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