Setback, prayers requested

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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2005
Benson , AZ.
Some of you may know or remember, but back in 1998 Jolene went rhrough breast cancer.  Lumpectomy and radiation seemed to have obliterated it.  May have, maybe this is just new, I don't know, but it has reappeared in the same breast.  Mostly calcification in a scattered pattern in scar tissue. 

Yesterday she went rhough a double mastectomy.  they took the second as a precaution.  The surgeon told us that the tissue looked good and while we need to await pathology, he felt confident in the results.

We should still be on track to get to Yellowstone in April, but may be delayed a few days for checking up. 

We have been through this in the past, thought we had it all behind us, but guess not.  We can do this again, rather not have to, but here we are. 

Please remember Jolene in your prayers, some for me would be appreciated as well, but she is the one in need.  I know others here who have participated in this fight, so I know yoou know what we are going through and what is ahead for us.  We will fight it, make the most of it, and try not to let it affect us. 

The Susan G Koman Foundatiuon is a wonderful resource, they have been very supportive.  The counselor check in with Jolene daily, and has been amazing.  We have supported them in the past, and will continue, but at a greater enthusiasm.  Please, if someone is walking for them, add your pledge. 

Thank you all, from our hearts,

Love, Bill & Jolene
[[[[[[[[[[[ Bill & Jolene W & Koda ]]]]]]]]]]

Koda likely already knew. My Pancho, Poquita and Pucci did. . . give him his hugs too!
I will add you both to my prayers, I just found out the other day my mom has some sort of breast cancer, it was a great shock to us all. She finds out more on thur :( It was a ruff day for me as I'm sure it was for you as well.  Just as I told my mother, keep your head up and don't let it get you down. Sounds like your not :)
I think you are right, we call him Doctor Dog.  If you aren't feeling well, he knows and will cater to you.  Last night when I returned without Jolene he sat in the window by the chair waiting for her, I think he finally realized, quite late she was away for a bit and gave up the sentinel duty. 

Just concerned he will hurt her when she comes home tomorrow in his excitement to have her home.  I expect he will know to be gentle.
Bill ~  You and Jolene are in our hearts and prayers. ~ Hope to see you both in Yellowstone again ~~ Kate & Pam
Big gentle hugs to you both.  Thank you for sharing with us so we can send prayers and good vibes out into the universe. 
Betty and Terry
Bill, we will be praying and thinking of you both. Arlyne & I have been there last year and I think we know how you feel.

Jerry & Arlyne Ray
Jolene and you will be in our prayers. Yellowstone hopefully will cheer you both up. Gods Glory is everywhere and you two deserve a big slice.
All our prayers,
Jim and Di
Why do bad things happen to good people?  The big "C" gets around way too much.  We too are there for you.
Bill & Jolene,

We are so sorry to hear about this setback. You are in our thoughts and prayers. If there is anything we can do, let us know. We'll see you both in Yellowstone!!
So sorry to hear of your latest problems.  We'll be thinking of both of you and hoping for a speedy and full recovery.
Bill and Jolene -- So sorry to read your latest news.  Know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.  See you in YNP.  Don and Mary Ann
Heading to Flagstff soon to retrieve Jolene.  She sounded great on the phone this morning.  Thank you all for the prayers and thoughts, and will see manuy of you up in YNP before long. 

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