Should my A/C work when running only my Generator?

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Jul 29, 2012
Minneapolis, MN
Hello my new friends!

I have a 1998 35' Winnebago Adventurer that I have owned for about 6 years now and love it.  I am an Independent Software Consultant and have lived in my RV in Minneapolis, Seattle and Atlanta.

I am not sure if my A/C ever worked when solely running my Generator.

Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Warmest Regards,
Larry S. Peteet



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    RV and Sandy at Roadside Rest Stop (ReSized).jpg
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Just about anything made in 1998 certainly SHOULD be able to run the roof A/C on generator power.  In fact, my 30-amp rig has less power when plugged into shore power (I can only run 1 roof A/C at a time), and I am able to run both front and rear A/C's on generator.  It works great while driving, to keep the interior of the motorhome cool... as long as I have pre-cooled the inside prior to leaving.

Also to the OP... I'd caution you on putting all that personal information in your signature.  Spammers love that kind of thing, and guests (non-registered) are able to view this forum.
Thanks Guys!

I am too trusting on the net I guess.

Attached is some pictures of the Onan RV GenSet Emerald Plus Series.  I just remembered I used to be able to run both front and back A/C's if the A/C Switch Position was on Number One.  I had a friend put in a new A/C and thermostat which also let me do heat via the A/C ducts.  I think at that time he may have messed up my option on the rear A/C but am not sure.  I have testing tools and stuff but not sure yet how to approach figuring this out.




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Larry, I have a '34' 96 Adventurer with the same Onan 5000 genset. Yes, unless the wiring has been changed it will easily run both A/C's - plus most anything else you might want to turn on.

Am curious as to why your genset looks as though it has been through the worst of conditions - especially the rust I see. What have you been up to ??? :)

Mine has a little over 1400 hours. Have recently had it checked out as it was getting hard to start - and as a result had it tuned, replaced the carb, and replaced the voltage regulator.

I have used it to boondock and watched the gas usage pretty closely - so expect about .5 - .6 gallons per hour mileage. So, for example, if I ran it 5 hours a day and paid $4.00 per gallon, a bit of third grade arithmetic convinced me that unless I needed to run my A/C, it would be cheaper to buy a smaller genset.

This past year I have been experimenting with a Honda EU2000i genset that gets 5 or better hours/gal, and will run most of my stuff. So if boondocking w/o the need for the A/C, it is only costing me a about $1.50/day. My usage of the Onan 5000 will only be when I pull over for lunch or whatever, or, if I am forced to boondock when in need of the Air.

Will you be spending much time dry camping - or are you hooked up most of the time?
Thanks Bob for the prompt and thoughtful response.

LOL, I thought about the look of the GenSet when I was posting the picture.  I am not sure why it looks so bad.  I have lived in Minnesota through a rough winter but other than that don't see why it is this way.

I mainly consult in one city for 6 months to a year or so and then drive it to the next contract.  Occasionally I will unhook it and go "camping" somewhere to enjoy the area.  So I am usually hooked up and this is not an issue.  Driving up the other day from Atlanta to Minneapolis it was 98 to 100 degrees outside and inside since I could only run my Truck Chassis A/C while driving. 

Thanks for the information on "mileage" and the possibility of using an external generator like the Honda you mentioned.

Clearly I will have to check the wiring to see why:
1) A/C isn't running off of GenSet alone
2) Can't seem to run both A/C's at the same time.

Happy Days are Here again,




  • Jones RV Park with All I Own-4 (ReSized).jpg
    Jones RV Park with All I Own-4 (ReSized).jpg
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First question is whether anything else that requires 120vac will run off the genset. It may just be that the genset breaker is tripped, or that the transfer switch isn't delivering the power.
Good Questions; I will check it out when I get home tonight.  Am currently working hard to save the economy single-handedly.

Larry Anonymous (Last Name witheld for Security Purposes).
Don't know if my 2007 Sunova 26P is an 'odd-ball' or not BUT I gotta plug my power cord into receptacle in compartment to get Power from gen. into house.  JM2cents
maddog348 said:
Don't know if my 2007 Sunova 26P is an 'odd-ball' or not BUT I gotta plug my power cord into receptacle in compartment to get Power from gen. into house.  JM2cents

That's the way I have to do it on both mine also...


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