Single mom fulltiming? 2 girls 12&9yo

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New member
Sep 11, 2016
Western NY
If I couldnt move around the country, we would go nuts in such a small space! How do other families live in an RV that they just park?
I need to buy an old junky RV and live in so we're not homeless, but we homeschool so we'd be in each others way pronto. Unless Im missing something...?
We would all l.o.v.e. to travel around in an RV, doing ministry mostly and sightseeing also but the gas alone is unaffordable for me. Im old so my situations not changing.
Thanx to all!
Most of us travel in our RVs so we don't go nuts in them. 

Instead of an RV, try looking for what is called a "park model" in a commercial campground or trailer park.  These are bigger and are not meant to be towed which you are not really planning on doing anyway.  Usually, they are set up fairly permanently somewhere.  They also tend to be a little better insulated and so you would not spend so much on propane for heat, which can really be expensive depending on where you live.

Another option is a used mobile home. Many mobile home parks have these for rent or sale fairly inexpensively.  And by all means, see what kind of financial help you can get for your girls so you won't be homeless.

Whatever you buy, you will have to pay rental fees at campgrounds and other expenses so this may not be as cheap as you think it will be. 
If that "old junky RV" was a motorhome, you'd need to consider the possibility of breaking down while traveling, especially in the boonies, how you'd deal with it and how you'd keep yourself and your daughters safe.

Judy makes a good suggestion, if it was within your budget. But you'd need to be sure the campground allowed year-round living.
If you don't intend to ever move, you would be much better off buying an "old junky" manufactured home (aka mobile home) than an RV. More space, somewhat better constructions and better suited to living year-around. And mobile home parks are set up for year around tenants as well. If you don't find one already set up on a lot in a park, most areas have used ones for sale, sometimes even free if you just haul them away. The hauling is expensive, of course, as is the set up on a lot somewhere, but the total cost is usually within reason.
IMHO, you do NOT need to buy an "old junky RV".  It will be a money pit, sucking out your already limited resources.  A used mobile home or a park model camper are much better options.

A $5,000 motor home will cost another $15,000 to be fit to live in and to drive, and is now worth $7,000.  You still need $300 per month or more to park it in a campground.  Heat in the winter will break the bank.  This is not a cheap alternative for a place to live!
No Job, No house, 2 kids. You can't do any more than think about full timing.

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