Sliced bread

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Jan 13, 2005
Many years ago I owned leader holders that fit in a plastic wallet. Recently I've been wishing I had those leader holders, and found these on amazon:
Those look like something I need !!  Much more compact & convenient than what I'm using now.
Thanks for the link !!
:)) I was so pleased with them that I re-ordered. Since cataract surgery, I'm having a tough time tying on very small flies while wading a stream. These allow me to pre-tie flies on leaders. They're currently in ZipLock bags in my vest, but I'll find circular plastic containers.
Sliced bread?  I'm not a fisherman and my son keeps a picture of me holding a 3 inch fish I caught during one of our early camping trips to prove it.  So is this a Fishing term?  Just curious because aside from one of the pictures which appears to show an oddly filleted fish these look more like poker chips. 
garyb1st said:
Sliced bread?  I'm not a fisherman and my son keeps a picture of me holding a 3 inch fish I caught during one of our early camping trips to prove it.  So is this a Fishing term?  Just curious because aside from one of the pictures which appears to show an oddly filleted fish these look more like poker chips.

I may stand corrected but what I think Tom is referring to is the quote ?Better than sliced bread?.
[quote author=Oldgator73]...  what I think Tom is referring to is the quote ?Better than sliced bread?.[/quote]
:)) or "the greatest thing since sliced bread".

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