Slideout modesty screens

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Dougie Brown

Well-known member
Nov 16, 2007
Well I've no idea what they're actually called ::) but I'm talking about the vinyl screens with spring rollers which are fitted to some RVs (but not mine) at the front and rear of the slider.  So when the slider moves out, the screen unrolls same as a window blind but horizontally at 90?; when it moves in, the screen winds back in at the same time.  Without them, the usually-muddy views of the locker-ends and assorted cables etc. are less than appealing.

We had them on our old Rexhall but I've never managed to find after-market screens anywhere for the Winnie. Finally however, I found these at IKEA online - they arrived today and look perfect for the job.  Hopefully I'll get them on tomorrow & will post the results.

First pic is how they will be installed. Second one shows it as a conventional window blind (which is what it is).  $23.99 each delivered is a great price and they're quality items.

And somebody please tell me the correct name (Mods, please change the thread title if you feel so inclined....). ???


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I think what he is describing goes on the sides of the slides, not the top.
I too thought you were talking about slide toppers.

No idea. I've seen a lot of coaches old and new, and I have yet to see anything similar to what you're talking about.

Perhaps we Muricans aren't so modest and don't need them....?  ;)

A picture of exactly where they would go on the slidout would be helpful.

It's at the front and the back of the slider.  Can't think of another way to put it.  And the modesty bit relates to the RV's exposed bits, not mine.  See pics.  The one with my hand is me pulling the tensioned blind back to show what was exposed before fitting it.  It looks much better.



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I know what you're talking about, have them on the my rexhall aerbus. Was just wondering if the blinds that you described above would work?  Just saying if they're like the one's that cover the entry way door, to retract it I have to tug a bit to get it rolling up. The skirt blind on the slide out roll close the same as the slide toppers. no tug involved.  ??
my Rexhall has them.... and one is broken so I want info on them too.
I was also concerned about the initial tug to unlock the blind when closing the slider, but I've been happy to find that the spring lock seems not to work when it's on its side (as it is when fitted to the slider). Tony, check out the IKEA link above.  The fabric isn't far off being as sturdy as our Rexhall's was so I'm happy with it.  I had to fit a 90? bracket on the inner side to attach the roller brackets, and fixed the end of the blind to the edge of the slider.  Here's a link to the type of bracket I used from Home Depot.

Off out now to fit the rear one. :)


Just for interest and for future readers, the slideout end covers are still 100% doing a great job and have withstood a lot of weather perfectly. IKEA stuff is good (including their meatballs....).

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