spring is moving north of the 49th

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Well-known member
Mar 7, 2005
In the past two weeks daytime temperatures have moved up from around mid-40s F to mid-50s F. 

Accordingly, the trees have broken into bloom and flowers are coming out in wild profusion.

I went for a walk along the Davis Bay beach and spotted in the yard of a beach house a tree in full flower.  As I walked further I came across a large log that seemed to have a story to tell :);  I tell it in a single sentence as the caption to the pick.  And still further I came across wild crocus that must have been out for at least a fortnight--they were beginning to look a little tired.





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Thanks for sharing the story and the photos Doug. Reminded me of Spring walks on the beaches of South Wales when we lived there.

Nice photos! Many of the Snowbirds are starting to head north from Yuma. You should be seeing them in a couple of weeks. :)

DougJ said:
In the past two weeks daytime temperatures have moved up from around mid-40s F to mid-50s F. 

Accordingly, the trees have broken into bloom and flowers are coming out in wild profusion.

I went for a walk along the Davis Bay beach and spotted in the yard of a beach house a tree in full flower.  As I walked further I came across a large log that seemed to have a story to tell :);  I tell it in a single sentence as the caption to the pick.  And still further I came across wild crocus that must have been out for at least a fortnight--they were beginning to look a little tired.



Are you sure you have the right year?? I live at N40 deg here in PA and this morning when I got up it was a balmy 49 deg F. 7 hours later--now the temperature is 16 deg F, it''s snowing to near whiteout conditions, and the wind is blowing at a steady 25-30 mph with predicted gusts up to 50 mph. We have not seen a single bud, or crocus around here yet this year.

What spring??????????


Well Chet,

Are you sure you have the right year?? I live at N40 deg here in PA and this morning when I got up it was a balmy 49 deg F. 7 hours later--now the temperature is 16 deg F, it''s snowing to near whiteout conditions, and the wind is blowing at a steady 25-30 mph with predicted gusts up to 50 mph. We have not seen a single bud, or crocus around here yet this year.

Somewhere in your youth I think you missed the instruction to "go west, young man." :)

We of course are as far west as you can go just north of the 49th--well, truth to tell we could go a little further west on to Vancouver Island.  Had we been there, we would already have finished the "flower and blossom count."  ;D

The good news is that you can look forward to warmer weather in the not too distant future;  can't you?

My wife's dad and sister live in Toronto and I think they had another dump of snow within the past week.  I left there in 1960.



Just look at what we are dealing with here in Yuma.  Forecast for the coming week also included. ;D ;D ;D

5-Day Forecast for ZIP Code 85365
Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

82? | 57?
84? | 57?
88? | 59?
89? | 58?
86? | 59?
Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear

OK, 'nough said about those Yuma temperatures.

Mind you, once it starts to go above 80F, I start to look for the shade, and I'm not above heading for the air conditioned space.  I seem to operate best in a fairly narrow temperature range >65 to < 80.  And it better be cool in the evenings!


When it gets too hot we just start the migration North.  Trying to be carefull not to go to far North too fast that we get into the cold.  Have I ever mentioned my allergy to snow? ;D ;D
I prefer temps in the 60F to 80F range but find temps between 80F and 90F better than 40 or below.
I prefer temps in the 60F to 80F range but find temps between 80F and 90F better than 40 or below.

I'm with you on that score.  Fortunately I don't have to cope with 40 or below here on the "wet" coast.

Seems like normally there is too much rain excepting this year.  But the good thing about rain you don't have to shovel it.
But the good thing about rain you don't have to shovel it.

You bet your sweet bippy!

Thanks for sharing your very nice photos.

Now if we could just bring Spring down to the 43rd, people here in the Chicago area would be smiling, too. The weather channel says it's 23 degrees here this morning, which is bad enough, but the comment "feels like 13" makes it even worse.
Now if we could just bring Spring down to the 43rd, people here in the Chicago area would be smiling, too.

Hi PhtogDon, I don't miss the cold weather.  I worked for four years in Arvida, about 130 miles north of Quebec City, where it used to get down to -40F at 0800hrs every morning for about a month, starting early in January.  That was so cold that even the brass monkeys didn't propagate--they'd lost their nuts, if you know what I mean. ;)



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