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Nov 30, 2008
I'm in the researching phase of looking for a MH with a little different twist.  Airstream is on the top of this list, but the aluminum RVs are getting older than I would like.  The square airstreams have a more rounded look than other models out there.  I don't care for the boxcar shape of most MH. 
Can anyone give me some feedback on the pluses and minuses of the squarestream.  Are they as good or better than their predessors.  How is resale down the road, etc.

Mr Dart
Based on what a neighbor told me while in Texas the new Airstreams built by Thor industries are no where near the Quality of the Airstreams built by the original manufacturer.  This couple had a new one and were so pleased with it they sold it at a loss and bought an older unit that was built by the original manufacturer.  I have no idea what year the older one was but the way he talked led me to believe the new one they sold was less than a year old.  I have not had any personal experience with any Airstream myself.
We bought a 1993 Airstream Legacy a couple of years ago.  This unit is fiberglass and is not the traditional looking Airstream.  It was our entry into the MH game.  We didn't want to put a whole lot of money into one until we knew if we were going to like the life style.  It was built by Thor and we were quite pleased with it.  We bought it with 74K miles and it had been well used.  It was solidly constructed, and had many little extras that aren't found on many coaches, or even thought of for that matter.  Like it had a manometer built into the refrigerator compartment, and the deadbolt could be operated from the drivers position.  Little things.  We put 12K miles on it and had no problems.  I would have feel comfortable taking it cross country, and we did.

We sold it and bought a newer Itasca once we knew we enjoyed MHing.

Thanks for the positive info on the squarestream units.  Can you tell me how the roof was constructed and what material was used?
Did you see any evidence of past or present leakage?  How would you rate the unit from 1-10, as far as the construction quality?
Is there anything that you would watch closely when buying?  How is the resale value as opposed to something else?

Thanks so much for your response.

Mr Dart
It had a rubber roof and with which we had no problems.  We did have some leaks where the front and rear caps joined the rubber roof.  I think these leaks are not uncommon in older MHs.  they were easily repaired, after which we had no more problems.  The previous owner had smeared junk around the top of the windshilds as they had been leaking.  We had this repaired by installing new windshield gaskets.

I think the construction quality was pretty darn good.

As far as things to look for when inspecting one; there is information it the forum's web site about things to look for in a used motorhome inspection.  They would relate to any brand. 

From my limited experience I think the resale value is comparable to most other motorhomes. Ones as old as the one we had can be had pretty reasonable, especially today.
Here's the link George was referring to:  here

That part of the library also has other information you might find useful such as: should you buy an extended warranty; that sort of information. 

When we were searching for our motor home, I had printed out the check list and took it along with us.  It helped us keep focused and not get diverted with "sales speak"

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