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Sealand and Thetford both make porcelain toilets.  The easiest solution is to replace the plastic one.
Now if Karl can train Hercule to use it, that would be something :)
>>Is their any way to make a rv toilet more like a porcelain one?<<

Get a SeaLand Magnum toilet I ever had including residential ones.

azbeachboy said:
Is their any way to make a rv toilet more like a porcelain one?

I'm not sure what you mean by "like a porcelain one"

My Intruder (Which hopefully will make QZ on time) has two toilets... One Sealand type Plastic
The other is a macerator (Thetford (sp?)) which I'm not sure of but it feels like porceliain.

The Sealand type (Which is not a Sealand but a different brand) you fill/flush with the pedal and sparayer

The Macerator.. You tap the wall in the designated place and it does all the work for you.

Nice rig.. Love that 2nd hole for when you both need to sit and stink, ur, think, or something.

However I am down for a week while they re-seat the windshield... For the 2nd time in six months

(I did offer to drive it in to QZ with cargo straps holding the windshield in... I don't think Damon would much like that <very evil grin>)
Thank's for the information. I think I'll try the porcelain toilet.  I was thinking maybe their was a no stick spray you could use.
azbeachboy said:
Thank's for the information. I think I'll try the porcelain toilet.? I was thinking maybe their was a no stick spray you could use.

Acutally since you asked..... I have used "Dry Wash and Guard"  inside my toilet bowl. drain all water, make sure it  is dry inside bowl. Apply dry wash and guard as per directions with the spray. Dry it out with a paper towel.  This acts as a slick surface and  helps eliminates skid marks inside the bowl.  We now have a porcelain bowl and this is not  necessary.  Why is it that RVers almost always revert to " black water"  discussions?  :)

We have used Protect-All (similar principle to Betty's Dry Wash) in toilets to make them slicker and less prone to skid marks, water spots, etc.  Helps keep sinks & showers clean too.  It has to be re-applied occasionally, but it definitely helps.

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