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Well-known member
Aug 17, 2006
We're sitting outside at our campsite in Cheyenne and it was raining with the sun out.
I thought about my grandmother who would have said that the Devil was beating his wife.

Some others that she passed on were:
Never rock  an empty rocking chair,  someone will die.

It is bad luck to cut a stick of butter from both ends.

Most make no sense. 

Wondered what other  unusual  superstitions  have been passed on to you.
(Other than the "Black cat", "Break a mirror", and "Walking under a ladder")

Have a great day
Jmac said:
We're sitting outside at our campsite in Cheyenne and it was raining with the sun out.

That's good that you don't feel stuck in the RV because  "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain."

But I ain't the superstitious type, because, IMAO:

"Superstition is the poison of the mind."
--Joseph Lewis

BTW, Cheyenne seems like a nice place. We were there about two years ago to the day after a visit to:

-Don- SSF, CA​


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My mom always told me not to count the cars in a funeral procession because that would the days till some family member dies. 
  We lived in Cheyenne in the early 60's and I loved it.
I all most got beat to death by and old timers wife for putting my hat on the table.  BAD luck she said to put your hat on the table.

There are a number of comments regarding dropping a spoon, knife, fork and the direction the untensil pionts means something.  I don't recall what they all mean.  ONe of them meant company was coming from the direction the utensil was point. ( not sure which end is the pointer)

also, I seem to remember you need to go out the door you came in or I believe bad luck will be fall you.

Thanks for bring up the subject, brings back good memories of family and friends who have passed on.

Russ, WB3FQI/6
I remember hopping along a sidewalk with playmates chanting "step on a crack .. break your Mother's back" and being oh so careful to avoid all cracks.

Never pass a salt shaker from hand to hand.  Sit it down on the table and let the other person pick it up.
If you put a horseshoe over the front door, be sure and put it "open end up" to catch the good luck.  Open end down means bad things stay in.

Always put a mirror on the opposite wall of an outside entry door.  It reflects bad luck and sends it back out the door.

Never have a front door opposite a back door.  Money just goes on through.  ;D

Never have a front door opposite a back door.  Money just goes on through.

Your absolutely right.  Wish I had know that prior to building my house.


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