Synthetic Oil vs "Dino" Oil

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Good point!

The hardest thing to understand is that syn oil & dino oil come from the same barrel of oil

Syn oil is jut more highly refined. I believe it it is better because the hydrogen molecules are basically intact, where dino oil has chopped up hydrogen molecules. This allows the oxygen in the engine to combine with the chipped dino hydrogen molecules to form H2O or water.

If you go to the Ford dealer and purchase their ordinary autocraft oil, it's 20% synthetic.

Still undecided? Try the syn blend and see for your self. It's your vehicle.
Well Karl.... I know what the meant to say (he did not say it though) It is often funny to read posts,  My own included in some cases.  This is one of those cases (He meant Hydrocarbon, not hydrogen)

I'm not sure he's right (I leave that to folks who know more about oil)  I just know that the better you refine something the more pure it gets and impurities are often not good things.

Thus "Synthetic" is better
First of all, synthetic oil is better than standard oil. I accept that. BUT, there is no evidence that synthetic oils are better for the daily run-of-the-mill engine useage. Try Consumers Magazine who did a comparative test on New York Taxis for 70,000 miles, and then did engine pull-downs. No difference.
So if you want to use synthetics, then you want a prolonged oil change interval, otherwise it doesn't make sense.
Personally, I use the cheapest brand, which is still an excellent EXCELLENT oil, and my last Jeep Cherokee was sold at 250,000Km and is still running fine three years later.
You can make a better oil, but does it translate to better service? I DOUBT IT.
John Rankin
If you believe that it works  I believe the ohter way and it works for me.
Freightliner and Caterpillar's position is that using synthetic oil is fine but whatever you use it should be changed every 12 months or earlier if the engine calls for a change because of miles. Syn oil may save mone for a trucker who puts a lot of miles on a rig in 12 months but for us it may just be additional ewxpense.
synthetic oils contain a molecule called an "esther", which, when heated up have an electrical charge. they will bond to metals. think of it like this: take a piece of Glad Seal and wrap it tightly over your hand. you can still feel everything through the plastic wrap but there is still that thin barrier between your skin and what you are touching. thats what synthetic oils do. greatly reduces "dry" starts. synthetic oils are the way to go...................
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