Tesla bad for environment?

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2005
Auburn, CA or Reno, NV
"Tesla wants to expand the facility to add a freight depot, warehouses and a company kindergarten. Those plans would entail felling more than 100 hectares (247 acres) of forest."

See here.

-Don- Reno, NV
....And then .... they will be cutting down more woodlands, forests, grain fields, and the sides of mountains to install solar panels to produce electricity.

So, what's the beef! If anyone wants EV, then you are getting what you ask for (and the consequences that go with it!)
"There are no such things as solutions. Only tradeoffs."
- Thomas Sowell
So true, with just about everything. Nothing is perfect. Just some types of our destruction do less harm than other types.

But EVs do a lot less damage to the environment than ICE cars, and by a lot. So those protesters should be happy that it is for EV expansion, not ICE car expansion.

"In the year 9595 I'm kinda wonderin' if man is gonna be alive
He's taken everything this old Earth can give
And he ain't put back nothin"

But I doubt if we can make even another thousand years.

-Don- Reno, NV
So, what's the beef! If anyone wants EV, then you are getting what you ask for (and the consequences that go with it!)
And the same with ICE cars. If you want a true, well studied comparison, see the video in my message here.

I will start my saying EVs are far dirtier to build than ICE, no doubt about it, and by a lot. But one must look at the entire picture as explained in the video.

-Don- Reno, NV
So true, with just about everything. Nothing is perfect. Just some types of our destruction do less harm than other types.
But I doubt if we can make even another thousand years.
Based on the last 50 years, I would say that's as good an assessment as any. My intent is to leave the planet within the next 35 years. Not sure when exactly.
My intent is to leave the planet within the next 35 years. Not sure when exactly.
Yeah, but can you prove you will not be forced to come back?

Time is infinite, what are the odds of either one of us being alive right now if we only live once?

-Don- Reno, NV
Yeah, but can you prove you will not be forced to come back?

Time is infinite, what are the odds of either one of us being alive right now if we only live once?

-Don- Reno, NV
Can prove I will not be forced to come back? Well no one I've known that's died has ever come back forced or not, so odds are that I won't be either. Or will anyone.

You can't make odds on who are your contemporaries.
I don't really agree with the idea, but capitalism is going to capitalism. He wants to compete with the Germans, so he needs facilities near Berlin.
ll no one I've known that's died has ever come back forced or not, so odds are that I won't be either. Or will anyone.
I didn't say they would remember or even know that they did.

FWIW, I simply realize we are not capable of understanding everything. I don't claim to know what is not knowable.

-Don- Reno, NV
Perhaps we should try to get laws passed that will make it illegal to drive electric cars on the roads? Ater all, 100 years ago the people who wanted to keep motorcars off of the roads failed to outlaw them and look at the result! :unsure:
It seems that it is up to the local gummints to defend environmental concerns and prevent more ravaging of the environment by industries, regardless of the final goals of said industries.
There are plenty of locations upon which factories can be built without destroying sensitive natural environments.

Killing off millions of trees to make room for an industry to produce "tree-friendly" products seems a tad, ..., what's the word?
Yeah, that's the ticket.
Killing off millions of trees to make room for an industry to produce "tree-friendly" products seems a tad, ..., what's the word?
Yeah, that's the ticket.
Not really. If it were for ICE cars, then even more trees would be destroyed.

As I said previously, some types of destruction are better than other types of destruction. That is about the best we can do. Destroy some trees to save a few is better than destroying trees to destroy even more trees.

BTW, my app for my Auburn home solar lets me know the equivalent to how many trees I have planted. I am now up to five, saving 713.1 lb of CO2 emissions with my 448 KWHs gained since the system came on late in the afternoon on 4/17. Only a 4 KW solar system.

I will be soon doing the same at this Reno house.

-Don- Reno, NV
I didn't say they would remember or even know that they did.

FWIW, I simply realize we are not capable of understanding everything. I don't claim to know what is not knowable.

-Don- Reno, NV
So you're talking about unconscious reincarnation? Interesting concept. I agree that no one can know the unknowable. But that doesn't discourage the MANY folks that THINK they know the unknowable. :LOL:
Perhaps we should try to get laws passed that will make it illegal to drive electric cars on the roads? Ater all, 100 years ago the people who wanted to keep motorcars off of the roads failed to outlaw them and look at the result! :unsure:
"If you'd have asked the customer what he wanted, he'd have said a faster horse."
- Henry Ford
Based on the last 50 years, I would say that's as good an assessment as any. My intent is to leave the planet within the next 35 years. Not sure when exactly.
I believe fate may have that already planned for me. In the meantime, my intent is to live long enough to be a burden on society. You know, more than I already am.

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