Thank You from Betty Jordan

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Betty Brewer

Moderator Emeritus
Mar 10, 2005
Betty  Jordan  asked me to share with all of you who sent kind words of sympathy,  her heartfelt thanks!  Your kind words were of  such  comfort  to her. She was moved to hear from those who touched their lives on the road especially those  in the past!  She also shared with me the poem selected by the family as a message from Don.


I'd like the memory of me to be a happy one.  I'd like to leave an after glow of smiles when life is done.  I'd like to leave an echo whispering softly down the ways.  Of happy times and laughing times and bright sunny days.  I'd like the tears of those who grieve, to dry before the sun of happy memories that I leave when life is done.

Memorial donations may be made to Hospice of Yuma,
1824 S. 8th Ave., Yuma Az 85364

A comment from Betty Brewer (me) "Isn't it too bad we often leave our thoughts about the goodness of an  individual to be stated upon their death."  Our Forum Framily is  indeed a special connection and I hope our communications continue to express our concern and respect for one another!

Betty Brewer
I am not often moved to tears, but the poem did it.  We can all only hope to be remembered as kindly as we remember Don.

Thank you, Betty.

Thanks for passing that along. Like Ned, I found it quite moving.

Thank you for passing that thought along. I cannot think of anything that reminds me of  Don more then those words.

What moving lines. I feel somehow diminished for not having known Don in person, but I certainly feel I know him through the Framily. That Betty for sharing your husband with us.
How typical of Don and Betty's graciousness and kindness towards others to leave us with an "Afterglow" thought to remember happier times with the both of them.  I'm in tears, but I'm in good company.  :(

Ned said:
I am not often moved to tears, but the poem did it.  We can all only hope to be remembered as kindly as we remember Don.

Thank you, Betty.


If the spelling is wrong it's because I can't see the screen well. :'(
Betty Brewer said:
Betty  Jordan  asked me to share with all of you who sent kind words of sympathy,  her heartfelt thanks!  Your kind words were of  such  comfort  to her. She was moved to hear from those who touched their lives on the road especially those  in the past!  She also shared with me the poem selected by the family as a message from Don.


I'd like the memory of me to be a happy one.  I'd like to leave an after glow of smiles when life is done.  I'd like to leave an echo whispering softly down the ways.  Of happy times and laughing times and bright sunny days.  I'd like the tears of those who grieve, to dry before the sun of happy memories that I leave when life is done.

Memorial donations may be made to Hospice of Yuma,
1824 S. 8th Ave., Yuma Az 85364

A comment from Betty Brewer (me) "Isn't it too bad we often leave our thoughts about the goodness of an  individual to be stated upon their death."  Our Forum Framily is  indeed a special connection and I hope our communications continue to express our concern and respect for one another!

Betty Brewer

      Afterglow speaks to the great gentleman that Don was.  Who else can you remember, that is thinking so dearly about his friends and family prior to his own passing.  He surely will be missed.

To Betty J through Betty B,

I just now logged on and see the news.  I didn't know Don very well, but I always enjoyed his (and Betty's) "being."

Big hugs, Betty J.

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