The bed over the driver's head

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I have one of those cheesy beds over the driver's head and I hate it. The one the pulls down and floats about two feet from the ceiling over the driver's head. I am never going to use it so I am considering taking it out. Would this be a saleable item?
There's one for sale on eBay for $250 so, yeah, I guess it's a saleable item. Biggest problem is shipping something like that !

I would sell it locally on Craigslist, probably when I am in Las Vegas, since it is a large city.
When I had an RV with one of those years ago, that's where the kids slept. When we went somewhere without them we used it for storing clothes. Didn't have much storage space like closets and drawers in those days. Maybe you could hatch condor eggs in it.  ;D ;D
BruceinFL said:
When I had an RV with one of those years ago, that's where the kids slept. When we went somewhere without them we used it for storing clothes. Didn't have much storage space like closets and drawers in those days. Maybe you could hatch condor eggs in it.  ;D ;D

That would land me in jail, since they are endangered. I do have my entire Condor collection right under the bed on the dash. I have 7 plush stuffed Condors, a Condor medallion, my Condor hat and my three Condor pins on the dash. Not too many people have a flock of Condors on their dash. I hope I don't get arrested.
BruceinFL said:
When I had an RV with one of those years ago, that's where the kids slept. When we went somewhere without them we used it for storing clothes. Didn't have much storage space like closets and drawers in those days. Maybe you could hatch condor eggs in it.  ;D ;D

Hey -- my kids FIGHT to see who gets that bed over the cab! 

It's bigger than the jack-knife couch, offers more privacy, and -- with the HDTV mounted on an articulating arm -- they can play X-Box or watch movies up there till the cows come home.

On our recent trip to Texas my son climbed up there when we left Iowa City, and didn't come out for over 12 hours.  He had just finished his last final exam at the University of Iowa, and was BEAT.

I'm not sure how you could sell such a thing.  It appears to be structural, at least in our motor home.
I don't have any kids so therefore I don't think I have any grandkids. This motorhome has 9 sleeping spots in it. If I remove two then I will be left with 7 sleeping spots. I am single and I don't even know anyone who would want to spend the night with me. ;D
Sorry for the late reply here... I would LOVE to find a bed like this for my motorhome, since we'll need to sleep 3 kids in our RV now.  Although doesn't it attach to the narrower side walls of your RV?  I'm not sure if/how it would be mounted in a conventional widebody rig.  But regardless I do believe it would be a sell-able item, if you find the right buyer.  I wish I was closer to Las Vegas and I'd gladly take it off your hands!  (central IL)
It is 93 inches wide. I have been advertising it on Craigslist in Vegas for $75 but I have not even gotten one call.
It probably would take a very specific buyer indeed.  The width of my (and other widebody MH's I believe) is 105" give or take... not sure if that's interior or exterior.  But regardless, I suppose some fabrication of some kind would be necessary for someone like me to install one of these in my rig.
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