The Brits in Oregon

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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2005
We're going to be in Oregon for the next couple of months.? We've volunteered again, and will be at Cape Blanco lighthouse in May and at Shore Acres Gardens just south of Coos Bay in June.? If you're along the Oregon coast during that time, drop in and see us.

Peggy & Dennis

Peggy & Dennis,glad to see you arrived safely........... Don't forget to keep feeding the meter with shillings so the light won't go out. :D :D
We will be in Moses Lake, WA from May 5 thru Labor Day. Not exactly close to Coos Bay, but if you head west from Oregon via I90 stop and see us.  I 'd drop in to see you but I don't think we will have time to detour over to the Oregon Coast after we leave Moab. Got to get to the job.
RV Roamer said:
We will be in Moses Lake, WA from May 5 thru Labor Day. Not exactly close to Coos Bay, but if you head west from Oregon via I90 stop and see us.  I 'd drop in to see you but I don't think we will have time to detour over to the Oregon Coast after we leave Moab. Got to get to the job.


I sure hope they don't head west from Coos Bay!!! ;D ;D
Jim Dick said:

I sure hope they don't head west from Coos Bay!!! ;D ;D

Hawaii looks nice!!

We'll be leaving Las Vegas on Thursday heading north.  hope the rain stops!

After I logged off I realized I had written "west" when I meant "East" but didn't think it was worth getting back on to correct.    Besides, Columbus tried to go west to reach the east and he became famous, so why can't Peggy & Denis give it a shot?  ;)
You really dissappointed me.  Shirley and I had planned to play some golf with you two at Moab.  This trip could very likely be our last to Moab for a while.  Got to go see some other things while we still can.  Enjoy Oregon.

We're really sorry to miss you guys, too.  Hope all is well at your end.  We'll probably head for Florida around Christmas time and will plan to come through Dallas if we do.

We're looking forward to our trip to Oregon tho.  Really love that coast line.

Love to Shirley

Ron from Big D said:
You really dissappointed me.  Shirley and I had planned to play some golf with you two at Moab.  This trip could very likely be our last to Moab for a while.  Got to go see some other things while we still can.  Enjoy Oregon.

[edit]Fixed quote tag[/edit]
Glad to see you heading this way. Will we get to see you before you go to work.? If you have our phone # give us a ring. I have two numbers for you are they still good.
RV Roamer said:
After I logged off I realized I had written "west" when I meant "East" but didn't think it was worth getting back on to correct.    Besides, Columbus tried to go west to reach the east and he became famous, so why can't Peggy & Denis give it a shot?  ;)

Yup, I've done that several times. Hate it when I do it giving directions. Think I've caught all of those. :)

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