The Factory Service Experience

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Did they have a concierge at the service center? Both places we visited had a full time concierge who willingly provided help and local information, in addition to organizing crafts for the ladies arranging miscellaneous services. I read somewhere that the concierge service was being (or had been) eliminated.
No concierge, but the receptionist handled our motel reservation and also had local information for the asking.  There are racks of brochures on local places of interest and plenty of games and puzzles to keep people busy, if they so chose.  I don't see a need for a concierge, RVers are pretty self reliant :)
Ned said:
... RVers are pretty self reliant

Very true Ned, although I saw folks making use of the service at both locations. The concierge also organized a BBQ, trips and other activities to keep folks amused. The stand-in for the vacationing concierge at Coburg also conducted and narrated the wood shop tour, but I don't know if that would have been done by the regular concierge.

Overall, Monaco does a good job of taking care of their customers and making a visit to the service center more enjoyable.

I find it somewhat mind boggling that that they can service as many coaches as they do at the service centers while several dozen techs are away at rallies.
Maybe there's so much more to see and do in Elkhart than Coburg they don't see a need for a concierge :)  Of the 40 camp sites, about 35 were occupied on an average day during our stay and most of those disappear into the shop during the day.  Each coach has a distinct assigned tech, so they get a lot of work done in a minimum amount of time.
Tom said:
When you've made you selection, you'll still buy from a dealer. We advise folks who order a new coach to insist on "factory delivery" rather than take delivery at the dealership.

Thanks for the tip, Tom, but we will most likely be buying used. The most important thing is, my experience thus far with salesmen at the local dealerships has made me very skeptical; it's good to know the factory is near-by to obtain service if we buy a Monaco product.

Tom said:
While you're at the Coburg plant, walk across the street and take a tour of the Marathon Prevost conversion factory; They'll be very tempting, but you'll have big time sticker shock that will make all the Monaco coaches look like a good deal.

I will look into that. Monaco has regularly scheduled tour times; I'll see if I can find any info about Marathon tours on the internet.

markw said:
I'll see if I can find any info about Marathon tours on the internet.

Maybe we were lucky, but we just walked in the front door and asked to see some coaches. There was zero sales pressure and, after showing us a number of coaches, the salesman asked if we'd like to see the factory. Before we left, he gave us 50% discount coupons for Outdoor Resorts.

BTW although they're "custom" conversions, 80% of what Marathon builds is on spec and only 20% is custom ordered. They also sell direct, rather than through dealers. That's two reasons they have coaches sitting on their lot.

FWIW here's a photo of us alongside the Marathon we liked.
Tom, you need to go find that coach.  The person who bought it is probably ready to trade for a new one by now.  You could probably get it for half the new cost. That would really look good sitting in your driveway.
caltex said:
That would really look good sitting in your driveway.

LOL Robert, it wouldn't fit in our short driveway, but it might fit in yours if we put it in catty-corner.

The fit and finish on the Marathon is far superior to anything else we've seen, but they come with a hefty price tag. I breathed a sigh of relief when Chris made some comment like "The interior is too fancy for camping".
Monaco sounds fantastic.  My rig is a  Damon of course. so I still go to Elkhart but to Damon Plant 12. Not quite as nice there, But otherwise very much like Monaco.

I also called in advance, made an appointment and had a letter with instrucitons, Showed up the evening before and they handed me 30 amps of power (Well it was waiting for me) they promised to be with me by, I think 9:30 AM. 7:30 am just as we finished breakfast they knocked.. We took off, they pulled it into the plant and started.. We got back "home" about 4pm and the rig was waiting on the apron for us, plugged in.  This took 3 days,  No hookups other than electric but since we are self contained for up to a week, NO PROBLEM. 

Like Ned Said, NOBODY knows the rig better than the folks who made it (And they are across the street from plant 12)

I've been back once since, no appointment,  but I did let them know I was coming and what I needed (one part)  but this time it did not even need to go into the shop (I was looking for a part, they put it on, no charge, right in the parking lot)

The people were great.  My rig is an 2005 Intruder, One of the techs there has a 2006 (he buys them, "Unfinished" (Just has the factor do the shell) and does his own floor plans and then sells them to family and friends.  Man knows his stuff.

Nice place to stop  The second time though we spent the night at the Moose Lodge since I'm a member (it is just around the corner and serves dinner,, Damon does not serve dinner!!)
John In Detroit said:
Like Ned Said, NOBODY knows the rig better than the folks who made it....

Very true John but, in Ned's case, Monaco didn't make it. They acquired the company that made it, and one point we're making here is that Monaco is continuing to support the coaches manufactured prior to their acquisition of the companies (Holiday Rambler, Safari and Beaver).
Tom said:
Very true John but, in Ned's case, Monaco didn't make it. They acquired the company that made it, and one point we're making here is that Monaco is continuing to support the coaches manufactured prior to their acquisition of the companies (Holiday Rambler, Safari and Beaver).

In the case of Safari it appears Monaco providing better support that Safari ever did.

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