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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2005
Full time in RV. Home is where we are parked
We've sold our house and closing is this afternoon. We're moved into our motorhome and officially become full-timers this afternoon.

First stop--somewhere west of PA. (Actually Elkhart to get a new satellite DHTV dish installed and some maintenance work on the Monaco.)

First scheduled stop, Catalina State Park, AZ for Christmas & New Years rally with RVForum friends.
Way to go, Chet and Laurie!  It's about time :)  See you this fall.
Whoopie!  What  a big job for the two of you to " get rid" of all your stuff.  Now go enjoy that motorhome!
Betty Brewer said:
Whoopie!  What  a big job for the two of you to " get rid" of all your stuff.  Now go enjoy that motorhome!

You got that right, Betty. Luckily, the new owners are letting us take advantage of the visitor's RV space and we still have a few things to get out and then a major house cleaning.

We'll be here until Laurie gets Dr's OK to travel. Probably sometime around the 14th. Then we on the road!

BTW, the closing is now completed and went through without any problems or last minute changes. We are now officially free or all real estate taxes.
That's really super, Chet.  It's been a long time coming.  Enjoy your new life as fulltime wanderers.  See you out here in the west one of these day!

Congratulations!  Hope you plan to stop to see us at the SKP park in Benson, AZ before or after the Catalina rally. 

Congratulations Laurie and Chet.  :) :) :)  Looking forward to seeing you at Catalina, if not before.  Enjoy the full time life style with no worries.  Wish we still could.  :'(

I love fulltiming in my little old wheel estate. 

Every day is a new adventure.

I bet by next year, you've dumped out half the stuff you packed to take with you.

Here's my one little tip...

Pick out your favorite clothes that fit in the closet and drawers provided, then get rid of the rest. You will never miss them.  ;D

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