toilet plunger

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Actually.. I disagree with Georake on that.. The answer is either "Yes" or "It depends"

I've had to use one on mine and one other, both are "Offset" designs where it does not drop straight down into the tank.  I don't use it often myself.. The other person uses it often.
If your RV has the Vacuflush kind of toilet, there's a possibility a plunger might be needed to unplug a blockage. We have a couple of Vacuflush toilets on our boat, and I keep a plunger on board for the times when someone uses too much TP and too little water.

A Vacuflush system is normally used in a situation where there the toilet is not directly above the holding tank and the waste has to pumped to where the tank is located. The hose from the toilet to the pump to the tank is only 1" or 1.5" diameter, and more likely to get blocked.
Edit: Corrected hose diameter.
Thanks Larry. I just measured mine (on a spare pump) and it takes a 1.5" ID hose (not 2" as I previously stated). It's possible they use different diameter hoses based on the distance it has to travel. Our holding tank is approx 35 feet from the pump. In any event, it's a lot smaller than the normal gravity feed from a toilet directly above the holding tank, and can clog easily with a lot of TP and insufficient water.
We have a gravity toilet and I keep a short wooden dowel with a heavy wire oval loop for a tip in case I ever need to loosen a blockage. The whole thing fits in a 24" length of PVC pipe with a cap for storage. Haven't had to use it in several years now, but it doesn't take up much space or weight.
And thats what I thought  was the second reason to keep the awning pulldown rod handy

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