Tools, What do you carry, What do you leave home?

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I also carry tools (and parts)needed to replace the much talked about switches
on the Auto-Park system on my workhorse chassis.

In the last 12 years, neither I or the owner before me had to mess with
the above system.  So far, anyway.
SuperMike said:
Whatever you take, you will not have what it is you need.  ;D

But someone else in the campground probably will and most people will lend you what you need.
A tip on zip ties.  The black ones last much longer outdoors than white ones, especially when exposed to sunlight.
BruceinFL said:
But someone else in the campground probably will and most people will lend you what you need.
That is quite true. I've helped out many and folks are always ready to lend a hand. One lady rolled into the day use area with a failed alternator, two small kids, sunset approaching, many miles from cell phone coverage and phones. I took one of my good house batteries, disconnected her daytime head lights, and had her follow me down to the nearest phone and lodging.
Besides wire and electrical connectors and duct tape I would have some oil trans/engine and replacement belts and hoses as well as hose clamps. A few cans of fix a flat could also get you off the side of the road till a proper fix. I look at it as what it takes to get the vehicle moving well before anything in side to home part! Oh and always be sure to have some sort of fire protection and medical items!
tubeless tire flat repair/plug kit and an extra 100ft of air hose with an impact wrench to do lug nuts on the Jeep.  I've had to do this 4 times in the last three years.  I don't know what it is about Jeep tires and nails but they have a magnetic attraction.  CoachNet is great for DP tires but I can fix a Jeep flat in less time than it takes to get CN's attention.  Plus they won't help you if you are on an unpaved road, IIRC.

You can leave the big air compressor at home and use the one on the DP.
I carry an assortment of hand tools for simple repairs, volt meter, and air compressor.  A good road assistance carrier and the Judge (loaded with both 410 & 45), you never know what to expect if you are broke down in a semi remote spot, always want an equalizer.
If you're into changing your own tires, an electric impact wrench is very handy.  Start the generator and run that puppy!
Being military I have an ar-15 in my coach safely locked up and a thousand rounds of ammo.....  I know that's not for everyone but uncle Sam taught me that guns are for everything I can't think of...... With that one tool I can solve just about any problem if the poop hits the fan..... But on a lighter note.... I also carry a small pancake compressor and some tire repair items as well as a impact gun to change a tire.  I have jumper cables and a large tool kit with all my duplicate items from my main tool box at home.  Zip ties and duct tape as well.  Wd-40 and a crowbar to wiggle my jacks up once a season when they get stuck down. 

I have two adjustable wrenches and a spare serpentine belt and fuel filter.

A six pack of beer is also a good tool.  I find most people in the camp ground will bend over backwards to loan you a tool.  I had one nice lady give me the keys to her new pick up so I could goto the store.....  I didn't have a toad when I started camping.  Her husband was a beer drinker and was very accepting of a few bottles of ice cold miler lite.   

I truly believe that some of th best people I have met have been campers. 

I find that the Cresent brand tool kit they have at Costco has most of what I need. I have added a few larger wrenchs and socetts in another toat bag. Plus I carry a 12 ton bottle jack and a 3/4 rachett and extention I piicked up at a swaap meet.  One of most best tools to have is a 14/1 scewdriver made By Cully, they have the bits that snap into the handle that closes so they don't go missing, if they do you CAN grt new ones. They are at most industrial suppplys. I have One in every rig pplus the junk drawer at homeant my tool box in the garage!
My husband loaded me down with a toolbox, 12 ton bottle jack.  He put in an air compressor so I could air tires plus air my Firestone air bags.  He added a bottle of oil, just in case, channel locks.  I use those for some drains and some faucets.  Lots of electrical ties, WD 40 and other items I likely will never use.  Chocks, a heavy duty battery jumper self contained.

I armed myself with a Coach Net card I have used several times, a cellphone.  He added a GPS, most of the time I use a paper map. I  have found a smile will fix many things!  And a thank you will go a long ways too.

I have driven over 20000 miles now in a motorhome, with some flats a a couple other issues and done just fine so far.

My absolute most useful items have been cash and my credit card!! ;D

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