Trailer brake locked up.

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Jan 25, 2013
On one of my last trips one of the trailer tires locked up.  I pulled over, put the vehicle in reverse, and after backing up a little the brake/wheel unlocked. I did not have any more problems with that tire after that.  I did have to get a new tire becuase it went bald on the side that dragged. Has anyone had this experience? Thanks Hugo. :)
Drum brakes? probably. Drum needs to come off. could be sticky from corrosion, or brake shoe has delaminated and it's jamming. Drum brakes grip tighter going forward than backward, geometry of the system. Backing up and hitting brake is exactly what to do. It's going to happen again, may just need dis-assembling, cleaning and some brake grease in a few spots.
The trailer brakes are electric and operate differently than an automotive drum brake. Still, they can jam in the "on" position.  Could be dirt in the mechanism, or could be a sign of a failing electro-magnet or damaged mechanism.  I would have a trailer brake shop check it out - if it happened once, it can happen again.
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