Traps in our stick built

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Rene T

Site Team
May 20, 2011
Farmington NH
My DW and I are going to FL for the next 4 months and I'm wondering if the water in our traps in the house will evaporate while we're gone. I don't want to come back and find that our house smell like a septic tank. If there is a chance of them evaporating, do you think pink antifreeze will slow the process. I don't want to use automotive antifreeze because I'm on a septic system.
If evaporation is a concern, I use a 1/4 cup of veg oil in drains and traps that aren't frequently used in the 175K sq ft School building I manage.  Works great.
I would add a bit of veg oil, and then put stoppers on the sinks. the stoppers should help with evaporation, and keep any odor at bay.  Worst case, you have a bit of a stink when you return, It'll fade quickly after refilling the traps.  Enjoy your time away from the cold
Vegetable oil works and it has been used a long time.  What precautions are you taking against freezing?
The only concern I have with the vegetable oil is that I'm on a septic system. As far as freezing, we are going to heat the house all winter. We just had a standby generator (which runs on LP) installed in case we loose power. It seems like we loose it here whenever the wind blows. I'm going to set the thermostat as low as it goes which is around 50 degrees. We have 2 daughters who are going to check on the house every couple of weeks just in case and I've got neighbors who are also going to keep an eye out.
We leave our Florida home every summer to travel. Leave the a/c on instead of heat!

I think the vege oil is a better solution than anti-freeze if evaporation is the concern. We haven't had that problem, though.

We leave water in the toilet tank so that the "flapper" valve doesn't dry out and distort, and we cover the bowl with plastic wrap to keep the bowl water from evaporating. The later is a concern only for hard water stains - enough water stays in the toilet's built-in trap to keep odors out. Had problems with both of those things until we did that.
I think what I'm going to do is have a gallon jug of water in the house and after about 2 months after we're gone have one of my daughters dump it in the 5 traps in question. I'm shutting off the water to the entire house except for the line going the pressure regulating valve on the boiler.
No need to worry - your septic system should love the vegetable oil when it ultimately gets flushed away. It's completely organic. Besides, you probably wouldn't use more than a pint or two.
Yes, the water will evaporate once the toilet bowl water evaporates.  We came home once to a stink where the shower drain had evaporated but turned on the shower water for a minute and it went away immediately.  We had been gone several months.  I usually use stoppers in the sinks and showers but don't worry about it.

Getting the girls to add a cup of water once a month would be a sure bet since they will be going there anyway. :)
Rene T said:
I think what I'm going to do is have a gallon jug of water in the house and after about 2 months after we're gone have one of my daughters dump it in the 5 traps in question. I'm shutting off the water to the entire house except for the line going the pressure regulating valve on the boiler.

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