Travel without my wife.

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Well-known member
Feb 29, 2012
Lecanto, Florida
My wife passed 6 weeks ago. We started planning a trip in Feb. Travel from central Florida to Las Vegas, a trip we've made many times. I've talked to many people and I've decided to take the trip with our Jack Russell {He's made the trip several times also.} I'm 80 years old. I also talked to my primary doctor. He said "I can't believe how healthy you are. If I was just looking at your heart and blood tests I'd guess you were much younger." My daughter is going to call every day, and we have a contingency plans in place. I'd like to here opinions.
Do it. Condolences for your loss, it's gotta be rough.

There are several others here who've lost a spouse recently and they're still active, and are likely to pipe up here too. With good health, it'll give you something to do, give you some pleasure, let you meet folks and help keep you healthy.
It sounds like a fine idea and you've already done the important work of checking in with your doctor and talking to family about your plans. That's what I hope my parents would do if one of them wanted to travel alone. I'm very sorry to hear you lost your wife.

We see folks traveling alone at RV parks sometimes. I don't think there's anything wrong with being alone. I mean, it's got to be better than sitting alone at home trying to process grief, right?
Travel from central Florida to Las Vegas, a trip we've made many times.
Condolences. You probably want to stay very busy since it's only been six weeks.

I did the opposite direction this time last year. I have been widowed since 2016 after 43 years together. It's a bit different, especially if you both drove the RV.

I see I was a bit closer to you here. I just looked up Lecanto on my Win 11 computer map.

We used to have a couple of doggies also. But now I am totally alone. RVing is still enjoyable alone.

-Don- Reno, NV
Well, it's been 2 years to the day for me. The dog and I are still on the road.
Before she passed my wife had made me promise to quit our campground manager job ('21 was supposed to be our last season) so we could travel. I have elected to keep the job as it keeps me in contact with people and I stay pretty busy and I'm only 71 and healthy apart from a slight weight problem.
Traveling is not the same, but I'm still having some fun and I'm not stuck at home staring at 4 walls. I say go for it.
When I'm traveling, I post an update to Facebook or text one of the kids, so they know where I'm at.
You should read "Travels with Charley: In search of America" by John Steinbeck. Steinbeck toured the country in a pickup camper with his dog Charley. Great book!
Well, it's been 2 years to the day for me. The dog and I are still on the road.
Before she passed my wife had made me promise to quit our campground manager job ('21 was supposed to be our last season) so we could travel. I have elected to keep the job as it keeps me in contact with people and I stay pretty busy and I'm only 71 and healthy apart from a slight weight problem.
Traveling is not the same, but I'm still having some fun and I'm not stuck at home staring at 4 walls. I say go for it.
When I'm traveling, I post an update to Facebook or text one of the kids, so they know where I'm at.
How long will you be staying there in Quartzsite? I could be driving by there in a couple of weeks.

Any Italian Roast pods left there?:)

-Don- Reno, NV
If you haven't already considered it; you might want to look into something like an Apple airtag to carry in your pocket while traveling. Then your family knows where you are and can see you are not incapacitated. Establish a set schedule to check-in with them for your safety and their peace of mind.
How long will you be staying there in Quartzsite? I could be driving by there in a couple of weeks.

Any Italian Roast pods left there?:)

-Don- Reno, NV
I left Sunday, ran across the top of AZ and NM ahead of a snow storm and I'm hunkered down in Albuquerque (and, no, I didn't miss the left turn :rolleyes: ). I'll pick up the bike later today, have dinner with Mark this evening, and head east Wednesday morning.
You could probably catch up to me in Arkansas. I think I've got a whole box of the Italian roast in the cupboard. The kids left a pound of Dunkin Donuts coffee the last time they were down, so I got my reusable pods out and I've been drinking that. Not bad, but not a dark enough roast for my taste.
My wife passed 6 weeks ago......... I'd like to here opinions.
Of course you should go. To you stop living because of your loss would be a major mistake. I too am 80 years old and drive a senior citizen's community bus to keep busy. In this age of smart cell phones there is no valid reason you shouldn't as long as your health is good. There are many reasons that you should keep busy if you wish your health to continue being good.
So sorry for your loss. John Lennon said it best: “life is what happens when we’re making other plans.”
Travel! Yes! And you can still “talk to her” and tell her all you’re seeing. She will always be in your heart.
Sorry for you loss, but admire you courage to continue with life and plans.

You will alway have family while on the road - it's all of us together when fellow RVer is in trouble.

Go strong, go forward, gather more memories to share with your daughter.
I lost my wife 16 months ago, so share your sense of loss. I know my wife wanted me to continue our lifestyle (she was emphatic about it) and suspect yours would too. Becoming a recluse doesn't benefit you or her memory. You should keep on doing what you love as long as you can. Health will become a barrier some day, but for you it's not here yet.

One of the contingencies should be a service or friend who can travel to wherever you are and bring the RV home, if that should ever become necessary. And maybe medical evacuation insurance too.
Sorry for your loss. I'll be 80 next June and I can't imagine life without my wife.

Like you, I'm in good health so continuing to RV would definitely be an option. It just wouldn't be in a 36 foot motorhome. I'd sell the motorhome and buy a smaller class B or B+. Something large enough for me and the two cats and, maybe, a dog. I would definitely try to find a dog that would be compatible with the cats. I think having a dog would make a huge difference. The wife and I like hiking but hiking alone probably wouldn't work for me. However hiking with a dog is something I'm pretty sure I'd enjoy.

I'd also sell the home and buy one closer to one of my children.

I think your plan to travel with your Jack Russell is a good one.

Whatever you do, let us know how it's going.
Be aware that your situation might be temporary.
I our own circles, there are four RVing couples that were very happily reconstituted from others in your same situation. There are the same number of people traveling, but half the number of coaches and all are very happy couples. My own brother in law is half of one of these.

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