Trespassing campers

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Our usual place we camp each site is surrounded by trees pretty much secluded. We have a handicap sight that has a sidewalk that leads to the bath house. We often get people walking our way that don't know. I don't mind most of the time they are embarrassed but gives me that opportunity to meet someone new. Now kids riding there bikes through as fast as they can is a different story. I usually tell them and have no more issues but this once. He was probably 8 just laughed and kept riding through and about hit my son in his wheel chair. I took his bike and told him if he wanted it to send his parents to get it. He cried and cried. About two hours later his dad came. He had told them someone stole his bike. When he left he was crying more. Lol
  The last time that happened was several years ago when a teenager ran across our lot in front of our dobermann....he did all the greetings.. Poor kit went from 5 mph to 60 in 4 we put up dog signs because us old farts can't run that fast.
  He did look back and over his shoulder we heard him say "sorry"..
how about an "Ask me about my Amway products" sign along with the "I love Jesus" sign.  When you are outside and they cut through call them over for a chat.  Problemo Solved!
KandT said:
how about an "Ask me about my Amway products" sign along with the "I love Jesus" sign.  When you are outside and they cut through call them over for a chat.  Problemo Solved!

Now THAT?S going nuclear!
I guess I'm a bit more easy going, or at least willing to consider extenuating circumstances.  If the site is fairly wide and somebody can cut through along the edge without stepping around my lawn chairs or peeking in our windows, I see little reason to get upset.  Especially if the campground has failed to provide reasonable access paths to its public facilities (and may do not).

On the other hand, I've rented the site and it's my home while I am there, so I deserve and have every right to enforce my personal standards of privacy on it.
Gods Country said:
Haven't had too many problems.  But then maybe a long haired, bearded redneck listening to Metallica keeps most people away? :eek:

Sounds like good company to me, GC.
Rene T said:
I have it happen to us quite often in FL. You see, the pool is right across the street from our site and people behind us on the next couple of streets, use our site and the one's next to us as a pass through instead of walking around the extra 500 feet. I usually ask them politely if they wouldn't mind to please not walk through our site. It is in the rules. Most times after that it's not a problem. They take the hint.  Once in a while our man eater dog is outside and I tell them that he will bite you. They usually listen. He wouldn't hurt a flea.

Great idea... hmmm, I wonder if I could hang a few "Beware of Dog" signs around my campsite lol
Nate in FL said:
Great idea... hmmm, I wonder if I could hang a few "Beware of Dog" signs around my campsite lol

And when you're in the RFV, bark a few times every so often.  ;D :D ;)
Ya know, I've been watching this topic. We are so new to camping that this has never happened to us and I don't know how I would react. Initial thought was so what. However if the perp got into my site...and I mean patio close I would be inclined to say something. Now does age of the perp factor in to the decision?
I think a kid would get a pass once, maybe a growl. Second time I steal his shoes and make him bring daddy down to get them back.
If they are old enough to know better and get lippy, shoot em.

I will not tolerate someone just walking through my site, I speak to the offending person the very first time they try, nip it in the bud then and there. Some folks try to whisk away and not make eye contact... I raise my voice so the neighbors can hear and tell the offender to refrain from interrupting our privacy.

Kids are the worst, little buggers don't listen to their folks so why listen to another adult. So on the first offense I follow them at a very respectful distance to their folks and give dad a talking to about being responsible for their children. What is amazing is how many parents do not even know where their kids are in the RV park, like the RV park is Carte Blanche for them to let the kids run wild without regard to any of the folks around them.  Some folks want to make me feel bad because a I said something... nope, ain't wearing those clothes. I don't allow folks to pass their blame onto me. No way, no how. I'll be responsible for me and allow you your privacy and fun, just don't be in my face with your fun.
we were just north of Edmonton,alberta and kids were cutting through our spot to get to the rec  hall which was annoying but they decided to peek in the windows and tap on them to set the dog off. i complained to the manager and he was over there in 5 minutes with metal fence posts and 2 strands of barb wire. looked like he had done it before and it sure solved the problem 
UTTransplant said:
Last time we were at Cody, this man and his daughter walked through our site so close to the trailer that they literally had to step around my front steps. Since the site on one side of me was completely empty, there was absolutely no reason for this. I said ?Hey, stay out of my campsite.?

Maybe you would have gotten a better result if you'd asked, "Can you please not walk through my campsite?"  No guarantees, but it's a sure bet you're not going to get a worse reaction by being less confrontational.  Can't hurt to give it a shot.

John Beard said:
Kids are the worst, little buggers don't listen to their folks so why listen to another adult.

I've actually found the opposite to be true.  I've had quite a bit of success telling kids to quit doing something outside of earshot of their parents.  They're used to their parents telling them what to do or not to do all the time.  When a stranger does it, they notice.

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