Ukulele Yuletide

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Jan 13, 2005
The Delta Strummers held their Ukulele Yuletide concerts today. We arrived to find the power out and PG&E not committing to restoring it before 8.00pm. A quick change of plan by our Music Director - go accoustic, and we did some last-minute practicing. With the audience seated (in the dark) and 4 minutes to go, the lights came back on.


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Well.. We did not have to perform in the dark but yesterday for the first time since COVID shut us down I got to sing in the Choir again at church (Different church, Different state, Different choir.. I upgraded) We got a nice round of applause on our meditation piece (Prepare The Way).
I was not able to sing with them last week due to a schedule conflict.
Feels good to be singing again.
The Church is on You Tube as Saint John/Blessed Sacrament (Davison MI) they should post the link ... soon.
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I remember your previous posts about your Ukulele group and thought of you many times and wondered how things were going. It sounds like the Ukulele "thing" is still going strong! Keep up the joy! Our world needs more music and less stress.

Just for an FYI, I'm still messing around with that accordion. We've been home for the last few months and my chickens seems to really love hearing the thing! I'll turn the chickens loose in the yard, sit on the front porch, play that accordion and those chickens will come and gather around me. If I get up and walk playing the thing, they follow me. It's kind of sweet in a way. No problems with the neighbors being annoyed, we live in the country.
I remember your previous posts about your Ukulele group and thought of you many times and wondered how things were going. It sounds like the Ukulele "thing" is still going strong! Keep up the joy! Our world needs more music and less stress.
People join and people leave, but we're maintaining a membership of approx 60. We practice every week, although I've missed quite a few practices this year thanks to recovery from knee surgery. Muscle memory helps a lot in these situations, although I caught myself with a brain farte on a couple of chords; Had to 'fan' (fake) them.
Just for an FYI, I'm still messing around with that accordion. We've been home for the last few months and my chickens seems to really love hearing the thing! I'll turn the chickens loose in the yard, sit on the front porch, play that accordion and those chickens will come and gather around me. If I get up and walk playing the thing, they follow me. It's kind of sweet in a way. No problems with the neighbors being annoyed, we live in the country.
An accordion is a great instrument with a great sound. Remind me - do you play a 'full size' or a smaller instrument?
Not doing congregate singing is the thing I miss most when we go on our long trips. Choir practice on Wednesday nights is one of the highlights of my week. I have sung in choirs where we struggled to have 3 part harmony (soprano, alto, men) and choirs where we could competently sing 6-8 part harmony with composers such as Eric Whitacre and John Rutter. All are fun, though the demanding ones make me work a bit harder!
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