Unusual odour coming from inside the bathroom vanity

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Jun 12, 2016
I noticed an odour when I opened the vanity door underneath the sink. It kind of smells like a skunk. Our trailer has not been de-winterized yet and there is no smell anywhere else. We bought it New last summer. Any ideas as to what it could be?
Sounds to me like it may be the air admittance valve may be stuck open and you're smelling the gasses from your gray tank. Look up high under the counter and you may see a pipe with a valve mounted on the end of the pipe. Remove it (should be only hand tight). then tape a baggie over the end of the pipe and see if the smell goes away. This valve opens when you drain the sink and that allows air to get in behind the water allowing it to flow fast.  You can buy them at Home Depot.

This is one style:

Other option is a dead critter inside the vanity, but stuck valve as previously stated is the most likely cause.
Thanks for your advice... when we open outdoor kitchen, we can smell this odor around plumbing pipes... when we first run water will it go away? We can only smell it when we stick our heads under the bathroom vanity
Gray water can smell as bad or worse than a black tank.  Check that valve Rene mentioned to see if it's the culprit.

The P-trap in the sink's drain line is supposed to keep the fumes out, but it's only effective when it's full of water, creating a gas seal in the pipe.

If the water has sloshed out or evaporated you have a direct path from the tank to the sink drain.  So in this case, yes running some water (a cup or two) will refill the trap and seal the odors out.

If the odors are escaping through a bad air admittance valve adding water down the drain won't make any difference.
I mentioned removing the valve and taping up the end of the pipe with a baggy. You could also just put a baggy over the valve without removing it. But tape it up tight.
Jimmy Hoffa stuffed in there?

Sorry, if you can't laugh you might as well roll over and... become like Jimmy


Hey Rene... progress, I'm up to 510... Am I doin' good?

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