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Jemz---I do not leave my RV plugged in while not in use ....So to use the electronic devices that I mentioned earlier in this topic (that are totally independent of the MH) this is what I did: 

I mounted a wall plug from Home Depot in the engine compartment, the kind of receptacles for patios that are waterproof.... I hardwired a section of an ext cord in the back side of the receptacle with the other end of the ext cord, the female end, taped so I can reach it in the grille area.....I plug an ext cord from the garage in this to get power to the receptacle.....I then ran an ext cord from the receptacle thru the firewall into the area by the drivers feet area....I plug the elect varmit devices into that......

Pretty simple and totally independent from the MH.......

Now that I "think" I fixed mine was pretty simple too. Can of expanding foam and filled the holes in the floor with foam. Kind of hard to get in when the holes or full of foam. Only have 2 spots where Jayco had cut 2 large holes for plumbing access. One back by the water tank for the fill lines and suction line for the pump. And the other was the hole in the floor for the p-trap of the tub. Fill in the gaps with expanding foam. I know that mice can still chew through but much easier than buying couple hundred pound of steel wool for packing.

also found the small holes in the frame where the little mice can get through. Foam them too. So far so good...
Mopar1973Man said:
Now that I "think" I fixed mine was pretty simple too. Can of expanding foam and filled the holes in the floor with foam. Kind of hard to get in when the holes or full of foam. Only have 2 spots where Jayco had cut 2 large holes for plumbing access. One back by the water tank for the fill lines and suction line for the pump. And the other was the hole in the floor for the p-trap of the tub. Fill in the gaps with expanding foam. I know that mice can still chew through but much easier than buying couple hundred pound of steel wool for packing.

also found the small holes in the frame where the little mice can get through. Foam them too. So far so good...

Just a note...
Be careful in which spray foam you purchase depending on your application.  There are two types of foam available.  One type (ie. Great Stuff) expands with considerable pressure and warp/bend what you are sealing.  There are other foams used for window/door sealing that is much more forgiving.  Won't warp or bend surrounding structure.  But may not give the critter resistance and protection you are looking for.
I solved my problem with mice by first stuffing steel wool wherever I found even the smallest of openings such as for plumbing pipes. i then sprayed the whole perimeter of my trailer's bottom with expandable foam. Just to be certain I put a few mouse traps in the rig and check the inside every couple of weeks. I haven't had a mouse in over 3 years now.
We full time so we are in the motor home all winter,  And we travel with a pair of Mouse Elimination Specialists... Now in truth, they woud love to have some mice come over for dinner.. But the mice fear that for the cats they would BE dinner.. So they avoid.
Not good news  :( :( :( I'm leaving tomorrow and will be looking under hood in AM.  Hope Florida squirrels hate mint  8)
Be careful with the sticks of poison if you have other animals around such as your dearly beloved 4 legged babies.  Our friends used the sticks and found them underneath their RV outside which started out inside.  The varments travelled outside with the sticks and that is very dangerous. 
Another reason I'm not fond of poison bait of any type. I've found so many time where mice go into storage mode and not actual eat the poison bait but to relocate it back to there nests. So yes I've got pets and love them dearly I don't want to risk there life over some poison.
Didn't get a mile from home today on way to NC trout fishing when fuel line started spewing fuel and quickly emptied the tank.  Coach-Net got me towed to Chevy dealer in quick fashion but critters had chewed thru the line.  Part is on overnight express order from Michigan but all out war has now been declared  as I can't afford their destructive nature.  Hopefully, can continue on trip tomorrow pm  :mad:  RV has been parked beside house for almost 3 years now with no problem until now.  Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!
sd1209 said:
Jemz---I do not leave my RV plugged in while not in use ....So to use the electronic devices that I mentioned earlier in this topic (that are totally independent of the MH) this is what I did: 

I mounted a wall plug from Home Depot in the engine compartment, the kind of receptacles for patios that are waterproof.... I hardwired a section of an ext cord in the back side of the receptacle with the other end of the ext cord, the female end, taped so I can reach it in the grille area.....I plug an ext cord from the garage in this to get power to the receptacle.....I then ran an ext cord from the receptacle thru the firewall into the area by the drivers feet area....I plug the elect varmit devices into that......

Pretty simple and totally independent from the MH.......

Thanks for the info!
Hmmm.  Sounds like I can't use them then.  We have our MH parked in someone else's barn.  I can't really plug into anything.  I guess I'll give the sachets a try and hope for the best.
GDay - in Aussie I've used soft cotton pads soaked in either ti-tree oil or eucalyptus oil work a treat..  have to have someone put a few drops of oil in there maybe once a week but they hate the fumes in enclosed spaces - and the motor home smells pretty nice too...
airtrafficone said:
GDay - in Aussie I've used soft cotton pads soaked in either ti-tree oil or eucalyptus oil work a treat..  have to have someone put a few drops of oil in there maybe once a week but they hate the fumes in enclosed spaces - and the motor home smells pretty nice too...
Along that same line, I wonder how clippings from a camphor tree would work. I have plenty of those and I like the smell...Will
We have millions of camphor laurel trees here (noxious weeds imported from Asia 150 years ago!) - the smell is great -  couldn't hurt to try I guess...they may just make a nest out of it tho'... :-\
I would like to report I've been mouse free now for at least 2 months no signs (dropping or shredded paper). I found the enter points and filled them with expanding foam and no mice. I've even turned off my loud Ultrasonic boxes and still no signs of them. Yea! Just like my two stick houses they mouse free!  8)
I can't attest to Pack Rats.  No experience with them.  I can however give advice pertaining to mice.  As mentioned before, plug any place they can gain access.  I also do not use poison baits anywhere that any of my pets can get access to.  I only use in storage compartments and my shed (TT is permanently parked). 

My TT is parked in the woods.  So mice are a big concern on a yearly basis.  Especially when the little bastards start looking for a warmer place to build a nest and spend their Winter.  Not in my TT! 

Get everything off the ground that would give them access inside the RV (wheels, jack stands excluded).  I have seen in my instance where mice have burrowed under the snow to gain access to another way to get to that warmer, protected place where they would love to place a nest.  Again, not in my TT!

Don't give them any reason to want to be there.  Remove all food stuff.
After over 20 years of being on the same property with RV's, only have had mice once.  Carpenter ants are a bigger problem for me.  Another issue for another thread. 
Ah, birds! like, 8-no 9 of em. Nice welcome back present! And (2???) mice, mouse bait eaten and pooped out all over (mainly in a small bucket, thanks!) Ah, one in the carpet roll I took back home to wash. Nice present. At least they couldn't get out so the bird-poop was limited. Amonia to clean it up. Refridgerator grate looked 'torn' off, (could have been the wind, windy every day) Kinda floozy door- think thats how they got in, never got out. Birds on roof every AM. I will put up some plastic netting stuff, maybe do a hawk screech recording and make a hawk puppet of painted wood with a dead bird. Ah, the 'snap' of a trap at 2 am never sounded so good (mouse #1 and 2) First mouse made helluva racket too! :p

Hopefully the door grate held.

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