Veterans Day video tribute

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Jan 13, 2005
I'm trying to put together a video or slide show for an upcoming meeting of a retired guy's club, together with a singalong. Many of our members are veterans.

I can either stream a video live, or show a slide show on a PC projected to a large screen.

I have the ability to grab YouTube videos and, hopefully, ways to edit the video.

To date, I'm planning on a singalong of:

  • Over the hill/The army goes rolling along.
  • Anchors aweigh.
  • Wild Blue Yonder.
  • From the hills halls of Montezuma.
I'm also trying to figure out how to integrate: Semper Paratus (USCG).
Sounds like a worthy project.  I hope know it will be a hit...that is if you change "Hills of Montezuma" to "Halls of Montezuma".  ;D ;D
Oops, good catch Tom, thanks! I had it correct in the singalong lyrics handout.

Interestingly, that didn't come out when I talked with a USMC veteran on the phone today.
Did you mean this one?  "Over hill, over dale, we will hit the dusty trail and the caissons go rolling along." 

Thanks Margi,

That's in the US Army lyrics (below). I'm specifically looking for a video I can use.

" Over hill, over dale
As we hit the dusty trail,
And the Caissons go rolling along.
In and out, hear them shout,
Counter march and right about,
And the Caissons go rolling along.
Then it's hi! hi! hee!
In the field artillery,
Shout out your numbers loud and strong,
And where ever you go,
You will always know
That the Army goes rolling along.
The Army goes rolling along."

I am so glad you are planning on including the Coast Guard. Having been the CG Liaison for our Navy League Council for the past 3 years, it is nice to know others know about their service. Too many times they are forgotten.
Aye Jim, many folks forget that the USCG are a significant fighting force, and they can (and do) provide cover for the Navy. I worked with a retired USCG guy who served in Vietnam. We also have several friends who are retired USCG.
Thanks Tom. I'd stumbled across a couple of them during my search, but hadn't seen them all. Not sure if the old phonograph will stir emotions, but it may bring back a few memories  ;D
FWIW this small project started a couple of days ago when someone asked me if I had a way to show this YouTube video at the luncheon meeting (100+ attendees), and a way to amplify the audio for a singalong. Unfortunately, the combination of natural light in the large room (one long wall is all windows) and the poor quality of this video would make it almost impossible for folks to see it. I've watched many presenters bring along their latest and greatest video or slide show on a PC, only to have it virtually unviewable. The audio isn't particularly good either.

My fallback plan is to find some good quality audio and play that. But a good video (or still shots) would help stir emotions.

Thanks for those links! I really love our fighting forces. I was in the Navy and our son still is active. Having worked with the Coast Guard I would seriously think about joining them instead of the Navy.

I have no regrets for my time with the Navy, and they gave me a great education, but there is something about the Coast Guard that really stirs my passion for service to this country! They are an awesome force and one you do not want to be on the wrong side! ;)

I just watched Anchors Aweigh. I noticed there was a Destroyer/Cruiser with the hull number of 56. If it was a Cruiser, our son was the CHENG (Chief Engineer) aboard the USS San Jacinto, CG56! Also, there was a destroyer, DDG992. He was the DCA (Damage Control Assistant) aboard the USS Kidd, DDG993!  During the first Iraq war their mission was anti-aircraft assignment. Since Sadam had nothing flying, they were diverted to escorting ships through the mine fields!! Not a place a DCA likes to be since his job is to keep the ship afloat!!! :)

Great memories!!
It's been my privilege to compile and edit this short video honoring veterans of all five branches of the service. It's a highly edited compilation of video, audio and still images from public domain sources. It will be shown at Tuesday's luncheon meeting of our local retired guys club. The 100 or so attendees, many of whom are veterans, will be encouraged to join in singing the respective branch 'song'. I'm still working on final edits/tweaks, but should be complete in time for a preview tomorrow morning to (hopefully) grant approval for the content.

I started out using my older copy of Pinnacle Studio, but switched to Corel's VideoStudio Pro, which happens to be on sale right now and IMHO is more intuitive and easier to use.

One small challenge was to make the printed lyrics agree with the audio clips; It seems that almost every performer sings a slightly different version of each of the songs.

Meanwhile, Chris says I sing all five songs in my sleep  ;D
Gene Simmons of Kiss did just what you are talking about a few years ago:
[quote author=SeilerBird]Gene Simmons of Kiss did just what you are talking about a few years ago ...[/quote]

This project started when I was asked if I could get the YouTube video of the KISS performance projected and amplified at the luncheon. If you read back, in this message I explained why I couldn't use that video. He also doesn't include all five branches of the service  ;)
Mine too Carson. When I decided to go the alternate route, I researched a whole bunch of videos featuring veterans, young guys coming home from deployment, and wounded warriors. I found it tough to keep a dry eye.
[quote author=Tom]It's been my privilege to compile and edit this short video honoring veterans of all five branches of the service.[/quote]

The video was presented at our group luncheon yesterday (Tues). There were 120 attendees, many of whom are veterans. Everyone stood through the whole thing and sang along on all 5 songs (lyrics were on a handout).

It's been suggested that this be made an annual event; With a year to prepare vs a week, the 2013 video will be a significant improvement.

Having been the Coast Guard Liaison for the past three years for our Navy League Council, I'm happy you waited to include all five communities! Too often the CG is forgotten and they do so much more than the general public knows. Bravo Zulu on a job well done!!!!
Thanks Jim, it was my privilege.

Coincidentally, I was talking to a neighbor last week and she was telling me that her son,  who will soon graduate, wants to join the USCG.

I chose to make it a HD video with bright colors and good contrast. I also picked up a better projector (higher intensity and contrast ratio) in an attempt to display well in the large room with lots of daylight. Since it was the USMC 237th birthday last Saturday (11/10), I featured them at the end, and closed by holding an Iwo Jima image while the Chaplain read a poem written by a marine; It had the intended effect on attendees.

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