Walking Dead Motorhome

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Jul 31, 2016
Stittsville, Ontario, Canada
Anyone watch The Walking Dead ? 

Wow, that Motorhome has been through quite a bit lately. Besides needing a thorough washing and waxing after last Sunday's episode, it now needs quite a lot of maintenance/repairs after Negan's antics including a new kitchen table, new back window, new roof, and it could use a new starter motor. 

That starter unit just won't fire up when it's needed the most.

Looking forward to seeing if they can find a reputable Motorhome repair shop in the next episode.

anyone notice how bright the tail lights worked almost looked like LED upgrade. Cant Have walkers rearending you on those dusty roads.

Second RV of the show right?
Haven't watched the Walking Dead in a long time. Has that annoying little Carl been bitten yet? Too bad if not.
Is he still wearing that silly cowboy hat?
Carl and his extremely long hair is still there. He lost an eye last season and came close to losing an arm last week, but he's still kicking.

Glenn though, had a vicious run-in with a baseball bat, and no longer has to deal with walkers.

Think Carl, Rick, Carol and Daryl are the last of the originals.

Love the Glenn action figure photo ! 

This motorhome also has a few parts requirements.  Nobody injured.


Senstastic said:
Carl and his extremely long hair is still there. He lost an eye last season and came close to losing an arm last week, but he's still kicking.

Glenn though, had a vicious run-in with a baseball bat, and no longer has to deal with walkers.

Think Carl, Rick, Carol and Daryl are the last of the originals.

Love the Glenn action figure photo !

    Morgan is still there and with Carol at the Kingdon, although he is not part of the original group he is the second character to be introduced tot he show and in the first episode.
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