Water Heater Replacement Question

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Hey gang,

I need to replace the water heater in our MH. I am seeing a few used but still working on Craigslist but they do not match the dimensions of our current WH. Do we have to find this specific WH or one that is the same dimensions? When upgrading or replacing can any WH do the job or does it have to fall into certain perimeters?

Thanks for the input
Can you tell us how you determined that the water heater needs replacing.  Most problems can be repaired, although some major issues could certainly be cost prohibitive.
Good question. After I posted this I asked myself the same question. I just purchased my 1984 pace arrow and have been doing repairs and renovations for the last few weeks. The previous owner said that the water heater was gone and needed replacing. He didn't know what the issue was but he hadn't needed it as he showered in camps and truck stops and thus never bothered to figure it out. I am working on replacing the sinks and faucet fixtures this week and as soon as I have the new ones installed I will be able to de-winterize and test out all the lines and such. Until then I can't do any sort of trouble shooting to figure out the issue. I suppose maybe I should wait until I can do so before I tackle this issue.
Most RV heaters are repairable, even if you need a whole new tank part. That's fairly rare, though. Don't leap into buying a new one yet. There is even an article in our Library about RV Water Heater basics.

The critical dimension is the face opening, i.e. the hole in the side of the RV. Best to stay at that same size if at all possible. If you have an Atwood 6 gallon heater, for example, same or newer Atwood 6 gallon heaters will usually fit in the hole.

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