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We're so glad you and Fred escaped a possible tragedy. It also makes me very happy we changed our RV refer for a household. The best part is it's one less thing to worry about and it cost  to replace it with a household, including the woodwork, than to buy a new NoCold. The refer itself was about the price of the cooling unit!

Obviously, there are other things that can cause an RV fire but the predominate one is the refer. I'm sure the investigators will narrow down the cause.
Thanks Jim.  Saw the picture of your new refer and it's a beaut.  If we ever had to get a new one, might consider it, but then would have to get rid of our pantry and I've gotten so used to it that I don't know if I could ever live without it.  It sure holds a lot of stuff, some of it not even food... ;D

Well, Daisy and Fred, you two are certainly leading charmed lives - dodged bullets and a fire!  Seriously, I'm thankful to hear you're both okay, that no one was hurt, and that there was no forest fire.  Had enough of them this year!  Those firemen must have been nearby to get there so fast.  Kudos to them!

Stay safe,
Ardra and Jerry
There's a Youtube video on the aftermath from another camper nearby,

Thanks Ardra for the good wishes.  We're getting too old for this kind of excitement.  ;D  Also thanks for the video Kenneth.  It pretty much says it all.  Gaping hole on drivers side was where the bathroom and water heater were.  which blew up sometime near the middle to end of the fire, so that was not the cause of it.  Besides which owner says she remembered to turn it off before they left. 

We're outta Payson, as we could not live with the stress, and finding out lots more wrong than right with the place after the facts.  We're now enscounced at Lazy Days in Tucson.  Here for some medical stuff and then back home next week.  Had enough "fun" this summer to last a life time.  We're happy to once again have great power, great space, (almost the whole 365 spaces to ourselves), NO trees to worry about, except really small ones, and a complimentary breakfast to boot.  AH,,,, life is good again.


Sorry, Jim, hot tubs are no panacea for me.  I do not like them.  OK for those that do, but just not my thing.  We had a good day today.  Had to order a new tire, and will wait for it to come in here and have LD mount it.  That won't happen until next week.  It's a special tire and has to come from Phoenix.  Then Fred went to the VA Hosp for his pre-procedure blood test which will happen next week.  Then we went to Sam's Club and loaded up with some of the basics again.  Decided since we have to wait for tire, to just wait here and get the VA stuff done and tire all near the same time.  So we're happy enough to spend a few more days here and unwinding.  Had our first rain that we've seen since I can't remember when, here last night.  I forgot how much comes down when it does come.  ;D ;D

I'm sure it is empty. . .but the breakfast is good, to stores are glad to see you and the monsoon is bringing occasional rain. My son Jeff sure is glad to see it.

If you see Neville Proud be sure to say hi for us and the Nathans. Neville use to work for Beaudry as a salesman and then developed that campground. When we first met him he told me his best friend in South Africa was named James Dick. Even tried to phone him but he didn't answer.

Neville sold the Nathans two of their coaches. He now runs the campground and restaurant.
We met Neville last Jan. when we were last here and talked to him about the Nathans and you.  I don't think he is here anymore.  At least we haven't seen him yet, and a different name is on the Campground Manager's door.  He was looking forward to seeing all of you again.


Sorry to hear Neville may not be there anymore. I guess he may have moved on but he seemed happy to be there.
Bet it's nicer in Tucson than it was in Ogden, Utah, when we passed thru there today.....109 ! Ordinarily we boondock in Snowville, but today, the price of the campground is worth every penny, We might even go hit a bucket of balls at the free driving range, if it ever cools down.


Today in Lincoln, NE the car thermometer showed 100. The bank reading was slightly higher. Hoping it will go back down to the 80's as it has been for the past couple of days.
Wendy, the park certainly is 100% nicer, but the temps are still high here, in the 100s.  It's cooler back in SV, 80s & 90s, but we need to wait for a new tire to come in (special order) and Fred's appointment at the VA on Tues.  But the monsoons have hit, so it does cool off somewhat sometime during the day.  It's not that hot sun beating down without relief at least.
And those monsoons will head north and water my lawn while I'm away from home :)

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