Welcome Back RVFORUM

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I just checked with the techs and they confirmed the spellcheck module is aleady installed on the new server.
I echo the "welcome back" comments! I felt like a lost puppy this weekend. I needed a fix so I lurked on a couple of other RV forums the past few days and I'm glad to be back here. One even had "friendly" in it's motto but not based on some of the heated posts I read! Yikes!
  Thanks for all your efforts.  As you can see, many of us missed our connnection a great deal.  The saying says, "you don't know what you've got till it's gone", that's the truth!  Thanks again.

Saturday, and we're back again. Bit of a bumpy ride, but hanging on. Hope we settle in this time. Tom and staff must be a bit bruised by now. My thanks to them for keeping the faith.

Ray D  ;D
LOL Ray, this is an interim solution. We're currently back on the old server until the techs get a(nother) new server ready for us. The downside is that we may have lost a few days of messages. More later.
You must be exhausted, Tom.  I hope you know how much we appreciate your efforts.  :-*

Hi, Wendy. There's a lot of experience, strength and hope to be found here.  [And that's the truth!!! -Edith Ann] Tom's about to the end of his "experience marathon.
You must be exhausted, Tom.  I hope you know how much we appreciate your efforts.

Well, thanks for the kind words Margi. 'Exhausted' describes it very well, and I nodded off in the chair after dinner this evening, in dire need of some sleep. But I can't take all (much of) the credit; Tech Support are the ones who stuck with  this all the way through, until someone finally figured out that there was a problem with the new server environment they moved us to. My role was simply that of cheer leader, and expectant parent.
It is apparent that many of us have missed this forum over the past few days. Our Wizop has done a tremendous job keeping on top of the situation by being in constant contact with the folks that run the site where we are located.

Since my wife and I personally have known the Wizop, AKA Tom Jones, from years of being on the forum, it is not surprising that he has spent many hours trying to get our forum up and working again. All of this for the sum of $0/hour!!! Maybe now is the time for many of us to try to help out with a small donation to keep this forum running. Tom has spent a lot of time and money so we can have such a great site to meet and discuss RVing issues that have helped out hundreds of members over the years. It certainly would be a shame if this site ever did have to close. Operating costs, I'm sure, continue to mount as do most other costs in this world. One person, alone, cannot keep spending personally to keep it going. I, for one, do not want to see this forum disappear!! I would ask all of you to please help in any way that you can to insure this forum can continue for a long, long, time.
For those of you who can't imagine what it's like, trying to get a very complicated piece of software back up and running via telephone, let me tell you that Tom hasn't had much sleep in this past week. Normally I would wander by to say hello every day, but since the forum has been unstable he hasn't had much time for chitchat. It's been a 24 hour a day task to interface with the engineers at the server farm.  I hope everyone appreciates the effort (and personal funds) that he provides.  Viewing his dedication to the forum for all these years, I for one am extremely impressed and grateful that someone puts that much energy into making it possible for all of us to enjoy the results.
Thanks all.

Robert, sorry I haven't been much of a friendly neighbor recently  :-[
Gary RV Roamer said:
One of the informal alternate means of communication is through a Yahoo Group that I run called Roaming Friends.  It's primary purpose is to distributing information if the site is inaccessible, but it can also be used for social exchanges.


Gary, the computer generated reply contains two links.  One takes you to the RV group.  The other to an unrelated group called,  groups.yahoo.com/group/Roaming.  This is an inactive group with two members that was created for a different type of roaming.     
BTW we're aware of a couple of 'missing' forum features, which hopefully will be only temporary. See the footnote to my announcement earlier today for an explanation.

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