Well it happened fuel is just to high

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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2008
3 feet off the ground & 6 feet behind the hood
I had to park my class A coach and now I am back to A "Stick" house. I sure thought if I travled less and stayed in Texas I could get by. If I can't go first class I won't go at all. Another dream bites the dust. Looks like weekends and short one for me till this fuel comes down. No one get teary eyed over it. I leased a house and I use that term loosely :) Put a plug on the electric pole and use it for a tax write off. My new "office" as I call it is 230.00 a month water and sewer included. So till things get cheaper i'll be here.  8)
I have come off the road as well but for health reasons.  I hope thing improve and I can go again.  High fuel prices won't slow me down.
Well.. I know the cost of fuel is high but the price of gas is something like 80 cents cheaper where I fuel than it was a few weeks ago (went from a peak of around 4 and a quarter to 3.419 cash price this morning) Personally I suspect the peak was gouging on the part of the oil companies.. though they, of course, blame Ike. (I live in Detroit, I usually buy Marathon, it's REFINED IN DETROIT from Canadan Crude, what does IKE have to do with any of that?)

However for me.  Where I'm parked right now is less expensive than staying home... Parking here I pay for (membership camp) no matter if I use it or not.. Home I pay for water, sewer, electricty gas and such here I pay only for Gas and I use very little of it.
Somebody correct me if I am wrong. Is motor oil coming generaly from crude oil still or is being completely recycled and put back on the shelves?  Because it never goes up like Diesel or Gas it`s been the same for years and years. Makes you wonder what the reason for the high price is.
Good question re motor oil.

One possibility is that the product simply stays in the warehouses and retails shelves longer, i.e. the oil you buy today was made several months ago and is therefore less volatile in price. Also a much lower volume product - we don't use millions of gallons of motor oil every day. 

I don't know if recycling plays a big factor or not. According to the API (American Petroleum Institute), recycled motor oil is either re-refined into base stock for new motor oil or burned in industrial furnaces such as power plants and concrete kilns. One article I found said that recycling motor oil was not economic until crude reached $50-$60 per barrel. We are there, of course, but that doesn't mean the procedures & plants have been put in place to do it.  That takes time and money to do.

Here's an article on Recycling Motor Oil. I'm not sure when it was written - it may be somewhat out of date since it refers to crude oil prices we haven't seen for at least two years.
Our local generic "quick Lube' place accepts used motor oil and all motor oil here is recycled some where.  All the dealers and shops recycle but only some accept from "do it yourselfers".
I found this "recycling problem" interesting.

  My mechanic(automotive specialist/technician/engineer...what do they call them now-a-days?) explained some facts of life to me: Any old fluids such as transmission, brake, power steering that are mixed together in a big barrel for disposal, cost him an arm and a leg to have it hauled away.

  He had one case where a substantial amount of gas and diesel were mixed in a truck. He drained the tank and of course had to have it removed from his premises. Cost him a bundle. EPA rules I guess.

  I don't know how he handles pure, old motor oil. Maybe that goes in a separate drum.

  Anyone know what the story is on all that?

carson FL

saddletramp1200 said:
I had to park my class A coach and now I am back to A "Stick" house. I sure thought if I travled less and stayed in Texas I could get by. If I can't go first class I won't go at all. Another dream bites the dust. Looks like weekends and short one for me till this fuel comes down. No one get teary eyed over it. I leased a house and I use that term loosely :) Put a plug on the electric pole and use it for a tax write off. My new "office" as I call it is 230.00 a month water and sewer included. So till things get cheaper i'll be here.  8)
Well Saddletramp, hanging up the boots and spurs and settling into a stick house.  Sorry to hear that.  We have found, at an average of 9 mpg, it costs us $25.00 per hour to go anywhere,  We are planning a big trip to Maine from New Mexico by way of Utah,  We plan to stop along the way staying in Walmarts, friends property, weekly/monthly stays in campgrounds etc..  Calculating $25 (from the time you turn the key on and turn it off} per hour helps to project costs.  Fuel costs, though high, seem to play a minor role in our expenses.  Our last trip campgrounds cost more then our travels.  These fuel prices are hurtful to us all and I am sorry to hear you will not be out there.  Good luck with your plans.
Nothing wrong with planing. Remember, if you don`t use the money in fuel to go camping, you will spend it in something else. Just go camping and plan your stays at cheaper campgrounds like state parks etc...
The call of the wind is just too strong. Greetings from Mc Allen Texas! I'm heading to New Mexico monday. Maybe S. Calli after that. Can't keep an old cowboy down!
I'm 6 feet behind the hood, and three feet off the ground! 60mph both scanners and one C.B radio. and My little dog Brownie as Navigator. Love you all Saddletramp
motojavaphil said:
John,  In racing they uses to use inline coils on the spark plug wires for more power but it also yielded better mpg with the hotter spark.

I don't know if you were responding to me or now however I knew that, I also know why it gives a hotter spark and better millage in case you are wondering. (just ask if you need to know)
Ah, saddletramp, we knew you couldn't stay parked for long. If you're an RVer, there's just something in the blood that makes you want to, need to, get moving.

Enjoy your travels.
Ahh, Windy, old coyboys belong in the saddle. My dear wife asked me one day, What do you think it's going to be like? Confused I asked what she meant. Out there, no delivery time, no place we have to be. I don't know sweetie, but we will find out together. She was gone before I could blink my eyes. Damn that cancer. Took it all away. The friends say I look different. My eyes are not shiny as before. Some how the smile seems hollow. I have to ride on into the night. I have to do the best I can. She would want that. She told me once, If I die before you, live to the fullest. Hard to do. I help others. Thats what I do. No better way to feel good than helping someone else. It's the Truckers creed. Some of you understand, some don't. It's 34' 6" from my steering wheel to my back window. I open the side door and the world is endless. Just like the view looking through the windshield. A new beautiful world, just waiting for us. We stopped at Naigra Falls NY a while back. She asked me to hold on to her. Damn that cancer. I can't find spell check, the tears are comming to fast. Tramp

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