What do you collect on your travels?

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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2011
When you take off on a road trip do you collect things, or have a goal in mind for the places you visit?
We don't collect artifacts as such, but Sally and I try and make sure we find and, if possible, tour the Capitol in every State we have visited. So far we have 'done' Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, North Carolina, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California, though we have driven past Kentucky Oklahoma's Capitols.
Since visiting Phoenix we have started 'collecting' Harvey Houses, however that means we missed a lot which are further East, though when I look back at my records I have photos of HH'es we visited without even knowing it (Guthrie and Painted Desert).
If we had only known when we started out what we would want to 'collect' we could have done more.
There are a couple of other things that we collect, but don't want to bore you.
So does anybody else collect State Capitols, Harvey Houses or something else special you may like to share?
Oh, please to to keep it clean and positive - don't really want to hear about a line of gum balls, each lovingly created in their own state, tastefully arranged on your dashboard - although on the other hand....
I used to collect mugs/steins often from places we visited. I haven't added one for a while, but I've still got the collection displayed.
I have been fulltiming for ten years. I collected all 46 of the National Parks and all 48 of the lower 48 states. I also collected bird species photos of which I have about 270 different species, they can be seen on my web site.
My wife has "collected" 49 state capitols.  At least they don't weigh anything :)
49? Yes we could have collected Hawaii in 2003, but we hadn't started collecting - if only we had known then how much travelling we would do in the U.S.
My wife collects rocks. I didnt find out about it till we were going up a big hill.
Absolutely nothing...collections weigh too much. Reminds me of the "Long Long Trailer". I believe that is one of the pluses of having a Class C.
Pepper3 said:
Receipts! Lot's of receipts! ::)

Rats! You stole my first thought, LOL.

So... I'm going with picturesque post cards and t-shirts if I can find one I like. The post cards are displayed inside the RV on the cupboard doors and the t-shirts are displayed on me. Not the best venue for the shirts, but best for everyone else.
My son does collect those small National Park emblems for his walking stick.  It is something we got him hooked on when he was younger and he has continued to collect them and apply them.

My wife and I collect the small poker chips from all the various Harley Davidson dealerships wherever we travel.

Other than that all we collect is memories. ;D

We used to collect the small pins or magnets that many parks or towns offer as momentos.  My wife was also prone to finding pieces of driftwood or interest-looking rocks, but those were heavy and hard to store. Still managed to bring more than a few home, though, and one large piece of driftwood still graces a flower bed there.  Lots of photos too, though they are rarely ever viewed.

Nowadays we collect mostly memories and friendships, which have turned out to be more rewarding than physical things.
Gary RV Roamer said:
Nowadays we collect mostly memories and friendships, which have turned out to be more rewarding than physical things.

By far the most important.

We also take numerous photos, some of which I have actually manage to put into slideshow albums to play in the background for things like our RV rallies when we are inside. I copied Terry B on this idea. But other than those the rest are rarely viewed.

OK, here's another thing we 'collect'. (Most of) You being natives know all about 40&8 Boxcars, but we only heard about them when we reached Phoenix. I have to admit that I am not a big train fanatic, but love the historical and social aspects of them and the concept that each state has one.
If you are wondering what am I talking about I will happily tell you more about them, but do not want to bore you if it is just school history to you all.
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