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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2012
Question: what do you do with the condensation inside the windows?  Do you let it dry on its own?  Do you hand dry it with a rag?
RVRAC said:
Question: what do you do with the condensation inside the windows?  Do you let it dry on its own?  Do you hand dry it with a rag?

i'd be more interested what to do after you got rid of it not to get it there again... i'd susped something should be sealed but what?..
You could crack a window open a little and maybe open a roof vent to get  little bit of air circulation. Your problem is you have too much moisture in the air. The other option that some people do is run a dehumidifier.
That's exactly why I was asking for dehumidifier recommendations in another thread. When we have had it on the windows before, when dried it with paper towels. It's best to not let it happen to start with. If it's on the windows, there is a good chance it can be in other less noticeable places that can cause bad things to happen, like unseen mold.
I have found the answer is a double edged sword. Humidity inside this time of year makes you feel a bit warmer. Yet, when it's -10 outside, like here in MI, the temperature difference is too much. I get out the paper towel also and mop up to protect the oak trim.

My problem is the DW has a large aquarium in the living room and a smaller one elsewhere. As well as having to deal with her green thumb. Plants she brings in for the Winter. TOO MUCH MOISTURE! I bite my tongue and deal with it.

Ventilation, air circulation, proper humidity level is the key. Dehumidifier will help if excessive. Humidity from the bathroom and cooking all play a part. RV windows are not known to be the best. 
Since our coach windows all have drains in the track channels, except for the windshield, we just let the condensation evaporate naturally. For the windshield, we turn on the overhead defroster fans for as long as it takes to clear them.
Humidity is a constant for those of us living in the Pacific NW. We have tried cracking windows etc but nothing works very well as too many things against us. When we are using the rv the gas furnace seems to create more humidity than the electric furnace so when possible we use the electric to get the MH ready to go. We also have 3 dogs in the rv with us so we will always end up with a wet windshield after a cold night (largest surface area with greatest temp difference). The wife has one of them hand mops that swivel 360 degrees and uses a type of sponge on it, think we got it at CW. It works very well for the windshield and is a snap to use. Rags always seemed to leave streak marks. When it's really being a problem we do leave a towel at the base of the windshield to soak up any moisture that might get down behind the dash before we clean in the am. The rest of the windows aren't too bad and they dry on their own in a short time.
I typically keep a few roof vents cracked open and maybe a small window or two cracked open. Then the moisture is very controllable. My windows have moisture rails so if the glass sweats it will drain outside. But by the time we do get going for camping typically the humidity is getting lower and don't have many days of that problem.
For the windshield I roll a couple towels and kinda stuff them where the dash meets the glass. Then I take a flexible  squeegee made for showers and let it run into the towels. Then hang dry the towels and repeat. I usually leave the towels in place when parked so they are there when needed. Side windows I will just wipe with towels or hold towel while squeegee..
We leave a small fan on the dash for air circulation between the curtains and windshield, and have the vents cracked for the rest of the motorhome.
Evil Santa said:
For the windshield I roll a couple towels and kinda stuff them where the dash meets the glass. Then I take a flexible  squeegee made for showers and let it run into the towels. Then hang dry the towels and repeat. I usually leave the towels in place when parked so they are there when needed. Side windows I will just wipe with towels or hold towel while squeegee..

I do that and set a small oscillating heater (on low) on the dash.  Takes about 15 minutes.
I leave each window open just a crack,and when we can,we run a small electric heater with a fan to supplement the gas furnace.
When cooking we always open the window closest to the range.
The combination of a small amount of air from the outside and the electric heater circulating the dry air seems to work for us.

I don't have a windshield to worry about!
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