What kinds of things...

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Well-known member
Dec 19, 2018
...do your adult children buy you for your birthday or Christmas?

Any things you really enjoyed lately that were given to you as a gift?


(and help me jog my memory to come up with a good idea for a gift!) 🤣
Around the time our twin daughters started getting AARP mail, we all mutually agreed to forego gift giving since we typically just bought ourselves whatever we wanted anyway. We do often get in a dinner out together though to celebrate those events. Our grandkids and great grandkids continue to get our gifts of course.
For this last Christmas, my adult son got me 2 different packages of Bungie Cords. Yep, that's really all I wanted. It was a perfect gift.

This last Christmas, my wife got me 2 brand new 50 foot white hoses for the camper. I was tickled to pieces! I was too chincey to buy them myself.
Our eldest daughter gets me wall calendars for Christmas which are perfect for our rural country living.
My oldest daughter gives me gift cards to Amazon.

I give them cash because its the gift that keeps on giving. They are excited to get it and then they lose sleep deciding what to buy with it. Nothing like seeing my 8 yo granddaughter's eyes light up when she gets three $100 bills. My eyes light up when I get cash too. I'm such an old miser that a $5 bill makes my eyes light up.
I have 5 boys ranging in age from 38 to 50. One of them buys me knives. One buys me guns or gun accessories. One takes me to dinner, lunch or whatever, one brings beer when he come over. One of them calls.
Oh, this past Christmas, because I had just bought that motorcycle, 2 of the kids got together and equipped me. I got a nice Carhart jacket, a pair of gloves, and a cell phone mount for the bike.
My friend bought me a day making silver jewellery. I bought her a weekend clay sculpting. We both go so we have days out together.

Steve got a gin blending experience that we're doing soon.

I fancy glassblowing but courses here fill up fast.
My family and I agreed 40 years ago to not get anything for each other anymore. If there is anything that we actually need there isn't time to be waiting for the next birthday to roll around, and what we want no one really understands anyway. I want a new fishfinder for my boat. It must have GPS tracking, waypoint marking capability, man overboard capability, and come loaded with the most recent updates of LakeMaster maps.

Flashlights. This year it was one that is way too bright and actually gets hot if left on. I can put it on a table pointed up at the ceiling and it lights up the room. I have dozens of flashlights and I never lament getting more.

Another one is pint beer glasses from notable places. I have way too many of those too but that just adds to the challenge of using them frequently.

Mark B.
Albuquerque, NM
My favorite(only) son bought me a comb for my last birthday, I'm about bald of course. And for Christmas he got me Logo... I'm 50...! Bless Him... :)
Regards Steven
I have a cousin who is just a few years younger than me. His parents lived in Warren, Ohio and my parents lived North and East of Indianapolis, Indiana. We saw each other rarely. But one thing that drew us together was the joy we got as kids playing with Lego's. Yes, they existed in the 1960's.

Well, we grew up, and here we are. I'm now (almost 68 years old), and for the last several years we reconnected. We visit each other now about every other year. He lives near Charlotte, NC now and I live about 5 miles from my parent's homestead (Indiana). But every year for his birth day (Mine is April 16, his is April 15 -- that also makes our relationship kind of special too), .... for his birth day, I purchase a new Lego building set for him. If I see him in the month of April, I'll give it to him. If not, I mail him one.

We have an on-going memory: Spinning cats and Lego! (Don't ask ... it's a long story!).
Great ideas and stories, thanks for sharing! The ideas are flowing!
I have a cousin who is just a few years younger than me. His parents lived in Warren, Ohio and my parents lived North and East of Indianapolis, Indiana. We saw each other rarely. But one thing that drew us together was the joy we got as kids playing with Lego's. Yes, they existed in the 1960's.

Well, we grew up, and here we are. I'm now (almost 68 years old), and for the last several years we reconnected. We visit each other now about every other year. He lives near Charlotte, NC now and I live about 5 miles from my parent's homestead (Indiana). But every year for his birth day (Mine is April 16, his is April 15 -- that also makes our relationship kind of special too), .... for his birth day, I purchase a new Lego building set for him. If I see him in the month of April, I'll give it to him. If not, I mail him one.

We have an on-going memory: Spinning cats and Lego! (Don't ask ... it's a long story!).
Every year at our company meeting the owner gives out small prizes for hitting various parameters ( 5 star rating, safety goals, that sort of thing). These awards are RV themed Lego play sets. I've won a couple over the years, and I've always put them together before passing them on to the grandkids. I won a set with a pick up and a travel trailer this year for having the fewest violations on the GPS tracker in my company truck.
My son gave me 12 coupons for various things: lunch out, breakfast, your choice, or my favorite! Gutter cleaning! He wrote each coupon out on nice artists paper and bound them between 2 small pieces of wood, sanded and rounded corners, tied with a cord.

On top of the great choices was the wonderful time he took to put it together. That meant more than just the coupons.
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