What type of rv to buy??

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New member
Dec 7, 2012
Hello everyone,

My husband and I are Military and Stationed at Fort Bragg NC, we have received orders for Fort Irwin CA. We have 2 dogs, 2 cats a 3 year old and we will have a 2 month old by the time we are due to leave. We were thinking about buying an RV to make the trip and make it into a family road trip seeing a flying is out of the question with the animals and us having to pay for both our cars and trailer to be shipped because the Army does not pay for state to state.... We are looking for some advice on what type would be best for all of us to make the drive.

Thank you
Welcome to the forum and I want to thank you & your hubby for your service!

You've got a lot to consider.  What can you afford & are you planning on keeping the RV once you've relocated?  Buying an RV for one trip might not be a finacially sound plan.  Not only do you have the purchase price, you've got license fees & insurance to deal with.  Gas or deisel is taking more & more of the RVing budget.  If you buy used, you may need to replace tires.  Of course, I don't know that anyone would claim that RVing is a finacially sound plan!

For storage and floor space, you can't beat a Class A or some of the 5th wheels.  You can tow a vehicle behind a Class A (or C) depending on the vehicle.  You'd need a pretty beefy truck to drag a fiver around but then you'd just have one motor to deal with instead of 2.  There are RVs for just about any situation or need.  You might find that a pop up or hybrid would work too and you could stay in motels part of the time and camp at other times.

Look at lots of floor plans and compare prices.  There are several online RV sale sites that might help.

Good luck!
KarenS144 said:
Welcome to the forum and I want to thank you & your hubby for your service!

You've got a lot to consider.  What can you afford & are you planning on keeping the RV once you've relocated?  Buying an RV for one trip might not be a finacially sound plan.  Not only do you have the purchase price, you've got license fees & insurance to deal with.  Gas or deisel is taking more & more of the RVing budget.  If you buy used, you may need to replace tires.  Of course, I don't know that anyone would claim that RVing is a finacially sound plan!

For storage and floor space, you can't beat a Class A or some of the 5th wheels.  You can tow a vehicle behind a Class A (or C) depending on the vehicle.  You'd need a pretty beefy truck to drag a fiver around but then you'd just have one motor to deal with instead of 2.  There are RVs for just about any situation or need.  You might find that a pop up or hybrid would work too and you could stay in motels part of the time and camp at other times.

Look at lots of floor plans and compare prices.  There are several online RV sale sites that might help.

Good luck!

Karens got some great advice..
What type of vehicles do you have. Is one a big suv or truck at least 150/1500, 250/2500 is better.
If you do your half way there. You can get a good pop up, we did for years.
There not as comfortable as a bigger bumper pull, 5th wheel or a motor home, but there still fun.
You could find one reasonable price. Now is a good time to buy this time of year people aren?t thinking camping..
Good luck and have fun.
Thanks for your families service for all of us..

Just Don
Welcome. Wish you well with your plan. However, a couple things you might consider:

Fort Irwin is in the Mojave Desert, I believe. Very, very hot in summer -- any RV may have trouble staying cool in that heat.

If you have several animals, they would all likely have to fit with you into the cab of a truck if you are going to pull a trailer (no riding in the trailer). How will that work with four people and four animals?

It sounds as though you have two cars now. With an RV, that makes three vehicles to transport across the country, and, apparently, a trailer.
Thanks so much for your and your husband's Service to our Country!!  It gets some upset that them who do the work of war do not draw the same salary as the white headed immoral fat cats who send them off to do battle.  Your and yours are in our prayers.  Not sure about the RV thing. Pray about it is all I know. Seems to always work well.

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