Whats it take to wave?

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Aug 24, 2007
I met my wife in Miami Fl., while I was stationed there in the military.  When I brought her to Oklahoma (20 years ago) she could not understand why total strangers would wave to us.  It is customary out here in the sticks to wave at people as they drive by.  When motorcycling everytime I pass another motorcyclist no matter what they drive or what part of the country you wave.  Today I was pulling my 5er down to Ada, OK and I passed at least three motorhome's and five 5er's and none of them would wave back.  Even outlaw bikers respect other peoples passion for motorcycling enough to wave.  Just an observation.
Well, as a city boy, I am not prepared to wave at several thousand people every day!

I have carried that attitude into my retirement and so am never ready to wave back when some other RVer salutes me. By the time I react, they are looong gone :-(
I have a hard time NOT waving !  HA ... I alway wave if I'm in the country - when I start RV'ing I'll be waving too !  Maybe we'll pass one another some day and you'll finally get your wave back  ;D
When we first started RVing I waved a lot. Even though we have a motor home I still would wave at trailers or Class C's. Most never would wave back. Finally settleed on waving to motor homes only. Even then many don't wave back. You are correct, motorcyclists will wave to any other motorcyclist unless conditions don't warrant it, like leaning through a curve. ;D

Another thing I always did was flash my lights when someone passed in an RV, or truck, to let them know they can pull back in. Many motor home owners would acknowledge it but almost no trailer owners ever did. Not sure why. I still do it even though I know they won't respond. Truckers are about 50/50.

I guess I don't let it bother me. It's nice when they respond but it's still safer if I flash the lights regardless of the response.
Generally we wave back if we see somebody wave in time and sometimes we wave first depending where we are and conditions.  In Montana folks wave with all the hand and all five finger extended.  We noticed in Utah they frequently don't. ;D
Yup, another one of the dying or lost "customs and courtesies".  Kinda like staying in the right lane unless passing.  Just doesn't happen anymore.  I can only imagine what it'll be like in 20 years...heck, even 10 years.
First time I went to Texas, I thought I must have looked like some guy who lived there that everyone knew cuz everyone waved at me.....so I just sort of played along and waved back thinking what a bunch of dorks these guys were, I had to be much cuter than the guy they knew......he he he..........

Most of the older traditions are dead or dying.....whens the last time you just stopped along the interstate to see if the guy parked there needed help........that used to be pretty common, giving some poor hitch hiker a ride.......thats pretty well a no no anymore......I wave at people in my rv but I think some of them think I am giving them the one finger salute because they just sort of glare at me.........
I wave first.  Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.  In my neighborhood when I take my morning walk after a while it has definitely made neighbors stop and talk. As a result I now know most of my neighbors and I like it that way.

JerArdra said:
I wave first.  Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.  In my neighborhood when I take my morning walk after a while it has definitely made neighbors stop and talk. As a result I now know most of my neighbors and I like it that way.


I could not imagine anyone not wanting to stop and talk with you, as long as they have an hour or two.  (bg)

In my experience it's just a long standing tradition for motorcyclist's - My wife & I ride and are always waving when safe to do so.  In RV's it just doesn't seem to be a practice that has taken hold.  I will return a wave from a fellow RV'er but generally don't initiate the wave.

To J Dick's point - I agree that the flash of headlights and the acknowledging return of flashers is both a safety practice and a courtesy.  I do both also (even though I do pull a trailer).
Jim Dick said:
Another thing I always did was flash my lights when someone passed in an RV, or truck, to let them know they can pull back in. Many motor home owners would acknowledge it but almost no trailer owners ever did. Not sure why. I still do it even though I know they won't respond. Truckers are about 50/50.

Trailers are blind to any vehicle in a sizeable cone directly behind the trailer. 
I believe, that when they stopped building homes with big front porches, that was the beginning of the downfall of our moral society. When (everyone) had front porches ,we as neighbors watched out for the other's children and houses, and in turn the kids knew this and avoided getting into trouble. If you notice most RV'ers are friendly , why ? because we have front porches !!! ;D ;D ;D

I wave  :D
Terry waves at every RV we  encounter on the road.  Some of them are going in the opposite direction 4 lanes away but he still waves.  We rarely get a wave back.  There are times when I think he should be keeping both hands on the wheel but he is a friendly kinda guy and a very good driver! !

In the rural mid west when we drive the car from place to place  almost every one waves or at least tips their head.

My parents retired to Arkansas and they have a unique wave there (when driving).  It took me a bit to learn what it was.  Most folks there drive with their right hand at the top of the steering wheel.  To wave or return a wave you simply lift your right index finger to the vertical position until you pass. 

Jerry, that 1-finger wave could easily be misinterpreted and get you an unwelcome response  ;D
JerArdra said:
My parents retired to Arkansas and they have a unique wave there (when driving).   It took me a bit to learn what it was.  Most folks there drive with their right hand at the top of the steering wheel.  To wave or return a wave you simply lift your right index finger to the vertical position until you pass. 


In Utah they raise the middle finger. :(

We first noticed that "leave your hand on the steering wheel and lift your index finger" wave in South Dakota.  Since then we have called it the South Dakota Wave.  :D

We drive a Bounder, so we wave at other Bounders we encounter.  Most wave back if they see us in time to do so.

leave your hand on the steering wheel and lift your index finger

That is exactly what is done in Alabama, at least out in the country where I live.    When I moved away and then returned it took a while to get my hand in the "ready"
I don't wave because I am driving.  I don't wave because the other rv is 200 feet away across the median going 60mph just like I am only in the opposite direction and I couldn't see you anyway because I am driving.  I don't wave because I am driving and that is hard to do while eating cheeseburger and talking on the cell phone.  I don't wave because if I do I will run over that cute little dog that just ran out in front of me.

If I am not driving I will wave at you going by and watch you run into the guard rail while you are driving because you had to wave back.
If we are both not driving I will wave at you, walk over to you , introduce myself and talk your head off.  I love meeting new people and making new friends. After that you will probably wish I was driving.
Thanks MollysMom I will be waving.  And Jim Dick I also use my lights as a courtesy I thank you for continuing the tradition.  I just thought that we are in a society that is always in a rush.  This new generation stands in front of a microwave and says hurry up.  I guess my thoughts were that the RV society would not be held to those hurry up standards.  The reason I bought the RV was to relax and not stress or hurry.  I can drive as slow as I need to because I am in no big hurry.  I can enjoy what blessings I have and share my excitement with fellow RVer's whom are also blessed.
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