What's you favorite dish to make when camping

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Wolf Pack Fan

Well-known member
Dec 5, 2010
Reno, Nevada.
So I'm hoping a lot of people will post to this and give everyone some good recipes.

What's your favorite food or dish to make when you're camping.

For me it's a simple ribeye, grilled with some montreal steak seasoning.  Foil bag veggies cooked with butter and a little Lowry's season salt.  Doctored beans, which are Bush's baked beans, some rinsed black beans, onions, a lb of bacon, bell pepper for color, brown sugar and cayenne pepper.

For breakfast I do a version of camp eggs I call them.  Bacon, bell peppers, onions sauted cooked together with your favorite seasoning.  I used some kind of steak seasoning I got from Camping World.  When it's all done add some egg.  When the egg is nearly done add some sharp cheddar cheese.  Great with any toast.
Baby back ribs or Johnson Beer Brats.  Yummy!  We like to grill zucchini and squash also.  Some beans with the meat and veggies and we are set!
Funny thing about camping and eating.  Everything seems to taste better.  But, my favorite is definitely T-bone, green salad and a baked potato.  Actually, if truth were known, that and fried eggs is about the extent of my cooking, but my DW can pull some mighty tasty magic out of the cabinet.
Ed, if you're ever near me, please send an invite. Sounds like you're my kind of cook. Nothing on the brats except mustard and onions.  ;D
when in Canada on the fishing trips my wife packs meals to make.  One is the crock pot beef roast.  It makes everyone salivate within 100 yards.  We put it on in the morning and when we come back for the evening meal it is ready and waiting.  One good roast, 1 can of cream of mushroom soop,  one bag of lipton onion soup.  Pour it on top, cook at low and YUM.  The second favorite is the lasanga whe makes before we go. 
Since our trips are six months or longer, we eat the same food as we eat in the stick and bricks during the winter. If you could see us, you would understand that whatever we eat, it must taste great and be plentiful.
Marsha/CA said:
We have a nice list in the library of folks favorite dishes to make while camping/rving.  You can find it here


Marsha, you're going to find that your days on those long beautiful stretches of "Alaskan Highway" on your trip to/from Alaska are perfect for some of the crock Pot meals on that list.  Enjoy a safe and wonderful trip.  Wish I could go again.
Is BEER considered a dish? ;D ;D ;D
Grilled Steaks (Dinner) and eggs and potatoes on the griddle (Breakfast).
Wife and I always laugh that we eat better when we are camping than when at home....lol :eek:
Melted Velveta Cheeze mixed with chili n' beans!  Great for tortilla chip dippin.
Just Lou said:
Marsha, you're going to find that your days on those long beautiful stretches of "Alaskan Highway" on your trip to/from Alaska are perfect for some of the crock Pot meals on that list.  Enjoy a safe and wonderful trip.  Wish I could go again.

Lou, we are really excited to be going.  And yes, I plan to use the crock pot a lot; there are some great recipes on that list.  We use it on a regular basis anyway, but I bet more so in Alaska.  Plus it seems the older Tim and I get the more we love soups, so I'm planning on doing a lot of soup making. 

Side note:  Remember it was just last May that the coach was banged up right before we supposed to leave?  We plan to take it back down for oil changes etc etc to get ready again for the trip.  Tim is thinking he's gonna leave it down in Bakersfield just to be safe, and take off from there.... ::)

My husband enjoys making chili from scratch.  We prep for this a couple weeks before we leave and make sure when we get to our site that we have all of the best ingredients and good oak wood for the campfire.  Starts about 9 am and about 6 pm we sit down to an excellent bowl of chili...tissues at our side, we love hot, hot chili.  Ohhhhh...so gooood :)
Marsha/CA said:
Lou, we are really excited to be going.  And yes, I plan to use the crock pot a lot; there are some great recipes on that list.  We use it on a regular basis anyway, but I bet more so in Alaska.  Plus it seems the older Tim and I get the more we love soups, so I'm planning on doing a lot of soup making. 

Side note:  Remember it was just last May that the coach was banged up right before we supposed to leave?  We plan to take it back down for oil changes etc etc to get ready again for the trip.  Tim is thinking he's gonna leave it down in Bakersfield just to be safe, and take off from there.... ::)


The DW and I were in Alaska two years ago.  I can't wait to go back!  What a beautiful state!

Granted, it was part of a cruise and we toured by motor coach up to Fairbanks.  But I fell in love with Reindeer sausage!

As far as the rest of the replies, you're are all on report for making my diet go right down the drain for the next couple of days!
You all are killing me.  MARC L- that steak sure does look good, my favorite.  I am here in Kosovo and have to eat in the dining facility.  Less than 90 days till mid tour leave and I am going to eat till I am sick.  :eek: They do a good job here but ain't nothing better than the wife's home cooking.
on our last camping trip, the first night we grilled steaks and potatoes, and i made an apple crisp in the dutch oven. that was my favorite meal.

then on saturday, i did baby back ribs in the dutch oven barbeque style, we did garlic roasted potatoes and had left over apple crisp for dessert, so that was my favorite meal....

then sunday morning, DW made bacon and eggs and hashbrowns, so then that was my favorite meal.......

wait, i'm seeing a pattern here........

i guess i just have to say that my favorite meal is the one in front of me!  ;D ;D ;D

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