Where do you buy your RV accessories?

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Campfire RV

Well-known member
Mar 24, 2012
Ridgecrest, CA
I just purchased my 1st MH so now I'm wondering where do you buy accessories for your RV? I live in the desert and the summers can be quite brutal here so one of the 1st items we have discussed is some kind of awning or cover to keep the MH in the shade while parked at the house.

(Rookie) Josh
There are many sources, I use E-Bay, Tweety's, PPL Motor homes parts department and a few others but those are the ones off the top of my head.  I seldom use Camping world UNLESS they are the only place that has something or they have an outstanding price.
where do you buy accessories for your RV
Guess it depends on what type of accessories you are talking about. Most small items for the inside can be purchased used at the good will stores or garage sales. Smaller items and some maint. items at Camping World or Walmart. Most larger items I usually ask here as others have already usually figured out what works and I also google it to get as much info as possible. Some things are pretty easy to find online vs going to an Rv dealer but you have to do a little research. Check the library, do a forum search and if you can't fine what you're looking for throw up a question.
I put up a 40' x 20' steel bldg just for the Rv (and other stuff) in winter. Best $5k I have spent in regards to protecting it when we can't use it. Google carports but it's similar to one of these: http://www.carportempire.com/motor-home-covers.php
An Awning would be best purchased at an RV dealer as you will no doubt want it installed.

Most small item I.E. kitchen utensiles, dishes, cookwear I would go to the Dollar store or the $1 dollar bins at a local flea market, also glove to work on the sewer lines and a pair for all around maintenence, towels, maybe linens.


I am super lazy. I can browse tons of choices, read reviews, check out the specs and so on. Amazon has become very competitive over the past few years that we have been shopping there, plus for lazy sots like us, this is ultra convenient.

It saves me a ton of gas,not having to go from place to place searchin for the "perfect" thing (I am  a tad picky...)  I can browse at my leisure at 4am if I want too. They deliver it right to me and believe me Amazon has delivered stuff to me at campgrounds all over the place.  If I have a lot number to give them, then UPS just drives right up to my door.

When I finally do drag myself into a store, even Walmart, I am dismayed at the lack of choices.Maybe I am just super picky, so I prefer to study and take my time then I generally buy online, most often from Amazon. I guess about 90% of my RV parts and supplies came from them the past 3 years of RV ownership.

Sometimes something turns up that I don't like and Amazon takes it back. Once I had  a problem with a broken part and they replaced it so fast I hadn't even mailed the broken one back to them  yet (but I did!).

We do however watch the sales and specials on the internet at camping world. We refuse to buy their member ship becasue their prices are so over priced and we rarely ever shop there, but we do window browse on the internet and once in a great while in person. BUT...  once in a great while, something goes on sale at camping world really cheap that we need or want and we pounce on it pronto.

Like I got my favorite high backed outdoor  chair there half priced one week last winter, then about 2 years ago, we got a beautiful patio mat from them half price,  but other than that, not much we have bought from them since we discovered Amazon has tons of stuff.

I had bad luck with Ebay so I don't even look there anymore. If forced to we have bought stuff from PPL.

We have Amazon Prime, which means most all our stuff ships free and comes in 2 days. Sometimes Amazon breaks up the shipment into various boxes.  Sometimes I order stuff one item at a time, since the shipping is free anyhow, I am not forced to save up for free shipping etc.

I know at one RV park we amused the neighbors, because every time we were outside eating lunch, they were outside eating too, and every day for a week,  UPS would drive up with a box for us right at lunch time. It was pretty funny.

I even order some of my favorite staple foods from Amazon. We just got in 12 quarts of the UHT milk, becasue I love the stuff in  my coffee and we don't have to dash out for milk all the time.  The UHT milk doesnt need refrigeration until we open it.  Also, I don't like the way a gallon of milk hogs up so much real estate in the fridge, I got to have room for my produce and wine, so I love those little quarts of UHT milk. One of those fits in the door nice and neat and the spares store in the cabinet.

Oh and if you get the Amazon credit card, you get "points" each month that you can spend at Amazon every month, you don't have to save up 35,000 to do something with.  So when we charge up our campground fees and other stuff, those points add up at amazon into $$$ we can apply towards purchases every month.  Like last month, we had $20 worth of points, the month before $15, at Christmas we ended up with $70 points and so on.

mojavesky13 said:
I just purchased my 1st MH so now I'm wondering where do you buy accessories for your RV? I live in the desert and the summers can be quite brutal here so one of the 1st items we have discussed is some kind of awning or cover to keep the MH in the shade while parked at the house.

(Rookie) Josh

In that sort of heat, I suspect an awning or a ramada [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramada_(shelter)] would be far better protection than a typical RV cover.  I had a cover that disintergrated in the sun and "heat" of coastal California.  :(
A "Google Product Search" is usually where I start:



+1 on Amazon.com

To make it even easier I've got an app for my phone for Amazon.  I was turned onto Amazon last year while working the oil fields in North Dakota and finding out that the China-Mart in Williston ND has basically nothing on the shelves.  Super Saver shipping gets it to you within a few days with no extra charge and the reviews are helpful.

Also, no offense meant to ANYONE here but...I have a major issue with Camping World.  I don't mind a company making a profit but CW seems to be a bit greedy.  CW is a last resort or in my case an impulse purchase which I will regret quickly.
I have purchased gear from Amazon in the past and yes their shipping is very good and quick. I live in a small town so we went to our local RV service center, Wal-Mart, K-Mart and Big 5 and found very little useful gear to accomodate.

I appreciate everyone chiming in and providing me with some good information.
You have just bought this right?  I would start buying little things you need at different rv dealers/shops because when need service (not when) you will most likely be treated the same as when you bought a little item.  Not a hard rule but an indication of how you will be treated.
The place we use now is actually an exception to that rule.  We were getting an estimate for overhead work and his phone rang and it turns out his tech forgot to the refrig/freezer on when done and the food in the freezer rotted.  (does not much good to have power plugged in if freezer is off).  He called the tech up to the front desk and pulled the paperwork, written right on the paperwork "make sure to turn refrig/freezer  on to setting 3, customer will pick up next week".  The tech said "he blew it" and the guy/owner called the customer right then and there in front of me and said "My tech messed up, how much do I owe you? There must of been a trust issue because the dealer said OK well credit your next bill $150, I'll write that on a copy of this bill and send you a copy and you present it to me the next time you get some work done. In case I forget and so sorry for what happened".
So admitted they are human and stood behind their mess ups. That was a good indication to me. BTW he took pics and let me take the old overhead out saving 3 hours labor, at $100 an hour that adds up quick.
Another vote for Amazon.

Just an hour ago I ordered a pizza pan, a non-stick cookie sheet, and 2 pyrex baking dishes to fit our RV oven.

With Prime membership, shipping is free, no sales tax, and I will receive them on Tuesday (today is Friday).

HARD to beat.
We are just getting the basic things we can think of right now in order to take it out for a weekend trip. I figure once we are at the campground we can meet others and get some ideas of other things we may need or things we like and just make a list.
My list is eBay, Amazon, Wal-mart, Freecycle, Craiglist, probably in that order but not always.  Check your local area for other online classifieds sites, as many more Craiglist-like resources are popping up.  I definitely prefer to "watch and wait" for good deals, and rarely have the need to buy-it-right-now so internet browsing and observing is the name of the game for me.

Amazon by far has the best customer database of reviews, on just about every product you can imagine.  I always go there to look up products and read the reviews, even if I don't end up buying there (which I often do).  I don't buy Amazon often enough to join Prime as others have mentioned, but it could make sense if you are a frequent buyer.
Amazon --- LOVE them!  I've been a Prime member for a little over a year now and I'm loving it.  It's especially great at Christmas! 
I also use Google Product Search as well as the site below, depending on what I'm buying,

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