Which laundry detergent?

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Well-known member
Nov 19, 2009
We're getting ready to head out on a 3 month trip, which will mean using the laundry facilities in a lot of different campgrounds. Judy is wondering what brands of laundry detergent people are using in the commercial type front loading washers found in a lot of CGs.  Also, do liquids work better than powders, and how well do the detergent pods work?  Thanks.
Several of the repairmen that have serviced our washers over the years have all recommended the liquid detergents.  We use the Costco brand unscented Ultra both at home and on the road.
My wife uses only the pods. We only use commercial laundromats during the summer when we're on the boat, so she throws the pod in the bag with each load so its a dump and wash job that even I can do. No carrying an extra jug up and back. While at home or in the MH, it's easy for her to just pull one out an throw it in with the load. If there's any price difference it's made up in the convenience.

We just grab the bottle of Tide we use at home and put it in the motorhome. Use it in the onboard washer/dryer and also in the campground facilities. If we happen to use too much, as happens often, just do a second rinse.
bucks2 said:
My wife uses only the pods. We only use commercial laundromats during the summer when we're on the boat, so she throws the pod in the bag with each load so its a dump and wash job that even I can do. No carrying an extra jug up and back. While at home or in the MH, it's easy for her to just pull one out an throw it in with the load. If there's any price difference it's made up in the convenience.


We use the sheets. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0053XE87A/ref=ox_sc_sfl_title_3?ie=UTF8&psc=1

I thought you had to peel the pods.

Jim Godward said:
Several of the repairmen that have serviced our washers over the years have all recommended the liquid detergents.  We use the Costco brand unscented Ultra both at home and on the road.

+1 to the Costco brand at home and on the road
joelmyer said:
We use the sheets. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0053XE87A/ref=ox_sc_sfl_title_3?ie=UTF8&psc=1

I thought you had to peel the pods.


Nope, the pod is a little plastic pouch that disolves in water and releases the detergent. We've used the sheets too, I think they go to the dryer also for softening? I think the scent made the wife go away from those. I could never tell the difference but her nose can.

Powder detergent is hard on septic systems, at home and at the CG. The powder doesn't break down completely and floats across the septic tank and out to the  leach pit/field eventually clogging up the leach field/pit. It is also what creates the biggest part of the stink.

which will mean using the laundry facilities in a lot of different campgrounds. Judy is wondering what brands of laundry detergent people are using in the commercial type front loading washers found in a lot of CGs.  Also, do liquids work better than powders, and how well do the detergent pods work?

Two other issues are hard vs. soft water and whether the washer is HE or not.  At home we have artificially softened water because our local water is extremely hard.  With the much softer water I use half the powder detergent I used in our previous location.  Our washer in the motorhome is a HE and the manufacturer recommends using liquid.  Before getting our own washer in the motorhome we took our chances at campgrounds and laundromats.  If I was lucky a local at the laundromat would know if they had hard or soft water so I knew ahead of time.  I just added a "normal" amount and added more later if it looked like it wasn't enough.  I've always preferred Tide myself whether powder or liquid.

As to the pods, they're not very good with artificially softened water like ours.  In fact we just replaced our dishwasher and the installer told me not to use pods.  I use half the normal amount of soap in both the dishwasher and the washing machine.  The installer said that's a good practice in our case.

Larry, I believe HE = high efficiency, presumably implying low water usage.
DW also likes the Purex Sheets. Both detergent and softener in one. Easy to use and light weight.  A little pricey and sometimes hard to find.
Apparently, we both are dainty little things, so it is liquid Dreft baby laundry soap and Walmart Free and Clear dryer sheets for clothes & any of the Arm & Hammer sensitive skin versions for towels and sheets. Anything else takes the hide off and makes DH grumpy, and that is avoided at all costs :) Works fine at home and in the campground laundromats.
I spend a whole dollar on the 42 ounce Wool Wash and Fine Washables for cold water at the Dollar Tree. It cleans all my clothes, towels, sheets, rugs, rags, dog sweaters etc. just fine and without giving me any skin irritation. It's a bargain and it works fine.
Thanks for all the replies.  At home we have a top load washer (not an HE) & use powdered Tide with no problems but Judy remembered having problems using powdered Tide with some front loaders so we'll probably switch to a liquid. We'll check them out when we go to Costco later.

Judy said she tried the combo sheets before & wasn't happy with the results. 

Ardra, you're right about soft water.  We have a water softener at the house & it really makes a difference with detergent consumption. 

Thanks again.

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