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Jun 15, 2007
I know this won't float but it sure would save some money if there were a national fishing license for us full-timers.
Yes; however, that is reserved as a right to state control by the US Constitution since it isn't reserved in that document to the Federal Government.
Bob Maxwell said:
Yes; however, that is reserved as a right to state control by the US Constitution since it isn't reserved in that document to the Federal Government.

That doesn't make it impossible. You do manage to drive your vehicles state to state without buying a new drivers license in each state.
It's the same in Canada. 

In addition to being a State/Provincial jurisdiction and not Federal, another reason is probably because fish species and population vary by region and for that reason, the quotas and rules are different.  It is easier to manage this at the state/province level than country wide.  Also, still due to different quotas and rules, reciprocity is harder than with a driver's license where rules of the road are while different, are for the most part the same.
deal said:
That doesn't make it impossible. You do manage to drive your vehicles state to state without buying a new drivers license in each state.

Your drivers license falls under the "commerce" clause, your fishing license falls under the 10th Amendment, I believe.

National would be nice, but sitting here n Yellowstone I can fish in Yellowstone NP,  Grand Teton NP, Idaho, Wyoming and Montana.  All within 2 hours.  5 separate licenses!  I would like to see a NP fishing license, or at least where you have borders like here a 3 or 4 county tag.  I see the logistical nightmare, but a NP license seems doable.

Great suggestion Bill!  Better yet a license that covers all federal property, i.e. NTL Parks, NTL Forests, BLM, NTL Historic Sites, etc.
The states have little motivation to agree to fishing license reciprocity or a national license. It would cost then revenue and probably some loss of control as well. However, most states that have border waters have limited reciprocity with their neighbor states to allow residents of both states to fish in the border waters without worrying about which side of the line they are on.

If we could come up with a scheme that offered a national license at a fee large enough to share meaningful revenue with all the states, it might fly. But how many people would be willing to pay for the right to fish in all 50 states? Would you pay, say, $200 for that privilege? And how is the license revenue shared? Does Nevada get the same amount as watery states like Wisconsin and South Carolina, or popular fishing destinations such as Alaska or Colorado?  We need a really creative solution to ever make progress on this goal.
I agree with Gary.  I a national fishing license would create a huge argument over where the funds would go, how they would be allocated to which states and in what amounts.  Probably a National Park license would make more sense, the fees could then go directly to the NP system.
I do like the idea, if constitutional, of one fishing license for all National Parks Wildlife Refuges, Lakeshores and Seashores and controlled by the appropriate staff manager. It will never pass congress, however, if the National Forrests are also included. That would be too much lost revenue for too many states and would cost senators and representatives their seats.
Great question with excellent responses.  We can't get the federal government to understand the concept of full time rv'ing when it comes to receiving network tv feeds from both sides of the Mississippi.  Do we really want them managing resources for us?
While I like the idea of one license, NO WAY do I want the Feds to be involved anymore than they already are in managing our fisheries and water ways like our state Fish & Wild Life agency does.  we have enough problems withthe locals but at least we can control them a little where as he Feds are impossible to deal with.

They have arbitrarily closed access to hunting areas in the National Forests, mismanaged the game in National Parks etc.
Jim Godward said:
While I like the idea of one license, NO WAY do I want the Feds to be involved anymore than they already are in managing our fisheries and water ways like our state Fish & Wild Life agency does.  we have enough problems withthe locals but at least we can control them a little where as he Feds are impossible to deal with.

They have arbitrarily closed access to hunting areas in the National Forests, mismanaged the game in National Parks etc.

I wholeheartly agree!
Jim and Lowell have it right.

No way would I ever consent to having the Federal Government control fishing, or anything else that I can prevent, in each state. Think about it. Can you think of anything the Feds do that is right for everyone?
To add fuel to the fire, Pat and I have just receiced our medical insurance choices for the new year.  The Feds have screwed them up royally!!
The Feds haven't defended our boarders.

NM's Governor has had to post our NM National Guard near Mexico to protect ranchers and small towns down there.

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