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New member
Apr 15, 2005
Are the older 90-93 Monaco Coaches equiped with heated water compartments. All Foretravel motorhomes do come this way don't they? I want to buy a good early 90s diesel pusher and go have some fun but I worry about freeze up. I need year round water. Safari?

I believe the Monaco coaches do have basement heat during those years.  I do know our previous coach a 1993 DP had basement heat and that our 99 American Eagle has it.

I'm not sure about the Foretravels but suspect they do.

I'm sure some of the monaco owners will confirm about the Monacos. I bet Steve will jump in and give his comments on his experience with the Safari.

While I'm answering I want to welcome you to the RV Forum and Framily.  Please join in any of the ongoing discussions or ask any more questions that arise.

What part of the country are you from?  A few of the framily winter here in Az and travel North during the summer months.

Thanks for Joining us.
Depending on how much cold you anticipate, you can often maintain temps above 32 simply by placing a light bulb or two in the bays near tanks and valves. A 60 - 100W light bulb puts out a lot of heat in an enclosed area and is probably sufficient for outside temps in the low-mid 20's.

Will you be using the rig or storing it at below freezing temps?

Another suggestion I might add is when you have found coach that makes it to your possibility list get the year of manufacturer and serial number then call the manufacturer and they can confirm whether or not it has heated bays.


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