Wireless router

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I wasn't clear in my message, but I wouldn't buy the router merely to bypass the VZ driver; I'd use it to allow me to connect more than one PC while using the VZ modem. My comment about not needing the VZ driver was merely an expression of surprise on my part.
Tom said:

I wasn't clear in my message, but I wouldn't buy the router merely to bypass the VZ driver; I'd use it to allow me to connect more than one PC while using the VZ modem. My comment about not needing the VZ driver was merely an expression of surprise on my part.

I am glad you cleared that up. I thought you wanted the router so you didn't have to wait ten seconds for the drivers to load.
Several folks have asked me about how much data do I use per month with my Verizon USB card and CTR350 router because Verizon now has a 5 Gigabyte monthly limit before they start charging extra.  Here's an example.

At Quartzsite 5 different people used my CTR350 Router/Verizon USB card for 6 days.  In fact I left it on all night so the late-at-night surfers could use it 24/7 and they did.  During that time we consumed 292 MegaBytes out of the Verizon limit of 5 GigaBites per month.  That translates to less than 1.5 GigaBytes for a 30 day period, that's 5 six day periods in the month times 292.

I mention this so you folks considering a Verizon card might have some idea of how far your 5 GigaByte limit might last during any one month period.

BTW, if you get a router you should get both the 12 volt and 115 volt power cables for the router because my 12 volt cable made it possible or me leave it on 24/7 because when I'm boondocking I turn off the MHs inverter at night to save the coaches batteries.

Jerry, two downloads of the Windows 7 beta would have blown your monthly allowance :D

You're "right on" a router is for connecting several PCs to Verizon, not saving login time.  In fact the only time I plug my Verizon USB card directly into my PC and use the Verizon software is to see my Verizon usage statistics or when I want to get on the INTERNET while Ardra is driving.  BTW, it's nice to be able to look things up on the INTERNET while moving in the MH.


Yea, you're right big downloads are a problem and I suppose always will be.  I thought of the usage limit at Quartzsite especially for folks with the 5 GB limit.  Maybe they should not leave the router on 24/7.

OTOH, we are lucky because Ardra and I got our Verizon USB card about a month before the 5GB limit was added so we still have unlimited usage so bring on Windows 7.  BTW, I still use XP PRO so I guess I'll, some day, have to go to Vista and then Windows 7 but probably by then they will have a new Windows 2012. 

Ned said:
Jerry, two downloads of the Windows 7 beta would have blown your monthly allowance :D

I waited until I was visiting some relatives before I downloaded Windows 7. I needed the 64 bit version and it is 3.5 gigs. I didn't want to blow my monthly allowance since I use a few gigs every month. At $.25 per mb it would get expensive very quickly. I really love Windows 7. It screams and has many improvements that I love.
Jerry, you can do what I'm going to do, stay with XP until 7 is released, then move to it, skipping Vista completely.  Vista is turning out to be the Windows ME of the 21st century :)
A bit off topic:
My son loaded Windows 7 and was surprised: It seems to be sleeker than Vista, runs like hell. Some features seems well thought out. Son is totally happy so far. Let's wait for post beta times...
WE are in the market for a new laptop....sorry if this is off topic.

Should we wait for the new Windows 7 or go with the Vista?  Could we download and install the beta version of Windows 7 over the Vista?
Mark, I would recommend buying now and upgrade to Windows 7 when it's released.  MS has been notorious (as has most of the industry) in slipping their productions dates so waiting could turn into a long time.
I have been using Vista for 3 years since it was in beta and I love it. What amazes me about Vista is that the people who are bad mouthing it are not the people who are actually using. Better to believe a good rumor than to find out for yourself.
I've been using 7 for a week or so now, and I think I like it.  I've run into a few issues with virtual drives, but overall, it's stable, fast, and I like the new taskbar (a little macesque, but pretty swift anyway ;-) ).

Also, I'm not a FT and don't use my data card regularly, but I ran across an article here:


that looked promising for those of you with multiple pc's in your rig.
This time I have to agree with the bird man.  I have had Vista and I have had no issues whatsoever.  I will likely try 7 at some point, but one of the fun things in the computer world is to bash MS.  For whatever reason.  SUre they have had issues in the past, but their good outweighs their bad.  I don't have to reboot to make things work, it just works.

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